Fallout 4
Almost Real

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  1. napoleonofthestump
    • premium
    • 546 kudos
    You really are the master of realistic natural light! Nice to see your work out here in Fallout country, even if the ENBs in these parts are quite a bit less sophisticated than their Skyrim forebears.
    1. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 145 kudos
      yeah Fallout 4 ENB is really lacking. but the community for it is really good. Idk how these people come up with these shaders but they really are life savers for me.
      If it wasn't for Photo Realistic Commonwealth then I wouldn't even think of using fallout 4.
      I just wish that the game wasn't so buggy with it's mods. I'm sure that the F4SE team will get things working out in the future. P.s. I really hate the settlement DLC for this game. I only own one of them and most of the armor and lighting enhancement mods require that I have those DLC in order to use it. Sucks dude.
  2. JonnySparta
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    dam :)
    1. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 145 kudos
      Thank you. I put a decent amount of effort to making my game look crazy good with the shaders and enb presets that are around on the nexus now.
  3. lunokakto
    • premium
    • 107 kudos
    Looks very nice! :D
    1. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 145 kudos
      Thanks dude!
      I have been enjoying making the PRC preset something my own.
    2. lunokakto
      • premium
      • 107 kudos
      I think you did a good job of that, it certainly has your "flavor" to it :)
      There's a very rustic feel to this, but also a very warm feel. Like I can almost feel the warm sun :D
    3. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 145 kudos
      Thanks. I wish I could figure out how to get the skies to be more realistic and a deeper blue like I could with skyrim.
      But I think ENB for fallout 4 is on a halt.
    4. lunokakto
      • premium
      • 107 kudos
      Hmmm, I feel like maybe this can be done with weather somehow....
    5. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 145 kudos
      yeah It's pretty tied in with the weathers for NAC. I can try and mess with the other shader film an color choices that are from PRC but it will require tons of trial and error lol.
      Anyways I'm glad you like the image.
      Happy gaming.