Fallout 4
Toll of the Commonwealth

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About this image

My Sole Survivor originally had the default male face with only a couple additions, as I become incredibly fed-up in character creation after three hours of getting nothing I liked.

However, I ended up going back and trying again and I have to say that I am so pleased with the results this time. I managed to get exactly what I was looking for; a strung-out father in his mid-forties willing to do whatever it takes to find his son, while still looking like the character I often play (Scylas Qwynn).


Though, seriously. Hancock needs to stop enabling his chem habits. Those circles around his eyes are starting to show.


  1. hostorm
    • member
    • 105 kudos
    gosh he looks incredible.. I fiddled with the thing for about 50 minutes and after that I never really changed my character's appearance. This character is seriously beautiful.
    1. lunarionsilver
      • premium
      • 52 kudos

      I'm super proud of him, and we never see enough shots of men on Nexus (or just older characters in general)!
  2. MushRush
    • supporter
    • 58 kudos
    3 hours! talk about a 100 and counting lol. I can't stop editing, but recently I noticed I'm less opening the character menu,
    this is a beautiful character, props on everything you made here.
    1. lunarionsilver
      • premium
      • 52 kudos

      When the game first released it was a battle of 3+ hours trying to get a face before giving up and just playing the game. I was impatient, ehehe.

      But, I also find the character creation in this game difficult to work with, so actually getting something I liked was so amazing.

      I want my sliders back. =<