Fallout 4
Nothing to see here

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I wasn't kidding when I said I felt Cait's gaze when taking the Embrace picture, not gonna go into nitty gritty but due the way AAF operates (in scene Player Character = a clone, camera is the actual PC but invisible), the other actor(s) look at the player (camera) constantly due the way animation system operates in 'conversation' mode, it tries to keep eye contact.

Going to nuke my mod config and reinstall what I actually want + a bunch of new things, haven't cleaned the properly since I started installing stuff in Semtember '17, after that there's been countless mods installed and uninstalled plus there's some mods that I don't want anymore and that need proper purging, at the same time I can restart my 'Maria' playthrough and try to get some better screens for the story.


  1. hammersmcp
    • premium
    • 110 kudos
    Thanks for the info about AAF. I am considering installing it and am happy to get user's information about it.
    1. cdROOT
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      I said I wasn't gonna go knee deep into operation of AAF but that is pretty much the extent of my knowledge of it's inner workings, it's executed similarly to OSA - Skyrim Ascendancy Engine and it's 0SEX plugin. It is similarly running also in actionscript on top of the GUI (which is Flash based itself) with minimal Papyrus impact (uses Papyrus for mostly just cloning, actor manipulation, camera and stuff that cannot be done with actionscript, which doesn't interface directly with in-game systems by itself), naturally being alpha it's not really ready for prime time as one's daily driver, or at least one should be aware of it's limitations bugs and other problems.
    2. hammersmcp
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      Thanks for the additional information. Appreciate it that you took the time. I'm not a modder, so much was over my head. But, your description of the in-game workings was very useful to my level of mod use. Indeed, the 'Alpha' tag is the main reason I've not yet installed it.

      Looking forward to Maria's adventures.
    3. cdROOT
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      No problem, glad to have been of some assistance for a change.

      As for Maria's adventures, that's might take a some time, mod config is forming quite slowly as I keep getting distracted all the bloody time, also indecisiveness.
  2. User_42537105
    • account closed
    • 78 kudos
    You'll be glad you rebooted the game and started fresh. It will be good for the stories you hinted at as well
    1. cdROOT
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Or then I'll burn out trying to come up with the "perfect" config and quit entirely, that's also a possibility.