Fallout 4
Survivors - 9

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This user's image description contains 37 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. carnagefiend
    • premium
    • 212 kudos
    You know how to make the Fallout universe feel like an actual, bigger place. A character like Lupi could have -easily- been mishandled and come off badly for it. You strike a healthy balance in the tone of your stories, and everyone always responds in a believable way. This isn't even mentioning your eye for a great shot!
  2. User_42537105
    • account closed
    • 78 kudos
    You managed to combine some of my favorites - great screens and story, westerns and badass

  3. Lee5Lee
    • supporter
    • 65 kudos
    There must be someone in your story, who isn't cool as hell :D Awesome entry, well told and pictured! I'm really interested in what you have in ming for all these people in one storyline *_*
  4. User_40542685
    • account closed
    • 5 kudos
    Great story, I really enjoyed the humor. :-) Hope to see more.