Fallout 4

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This user's image description contains 1 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    I was just refreshing my memory on your tales and for the life of me, I thought I left a comment at the time on this one. But there ain't one here. Anyway, since the time you posted this, you've been doing a bang up job, so you don't need my input at this late date. And thanks for the shout out, amigo. *gives Cav a extra big and fur-filled hug*
  2. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    Developing story line vs. sub-plots -- tough decision. Every time I start a supposed 8-10 chapter story... I find myself still introducing characters and side-arcs 6 months later. So, I don't have any advice other than that. How long do you want to spend on the story -- or will it be a continuing saga?
    1. Cavalier753
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      I know exactly what you mean. There are so many different stories and branching arcs I want to write, but obviously I can't do everything due to time constraints. Plus, over-saturation of characters is not a good thing. A large cast, if used effectively, is great. However, use too many people and there's not enough time to develop everyone's personalities, and so you've got a shmorgusboard of half-baked potato people.
  3. carnagefiend
    • premium
    • 211 kudos
    Thank you for the mention, it's appreciated =)

    I think you should write something if it interests you, but ONLY if it interests you. Having Preston meeting a group of settlers is only a footnote in your concern. Do you have something interesting to say about that interaction? Or, more importantly, do you want to write it?

    I can tell you that you can have an important chunk of information that ties a story together, but if you're not invested in it the piece will suffer.

    Write about something YOU think is fun, the rest will come.
    1. Cavalier753
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      See, s'what I'm talking about. Can always rely on you for good advice.

      I often forget to do things just for myself; both when writing/screenshooting, and also in the real world. I'll try to take your words to heart, as usual.

      Thanks for stopping by, btw.
  4. User_42537105
    • account closed
    • 78 kudos
    Bottom line is I love the stories and background and viewpoint of others. Everyone's viewpoint of their game, their immersive perspective, is unique and I use them for inspiration in my own game. Your work and stories are some of my all time favorites and when I see something from you I make sure I have a fresh cup of coffee and sit back and enjoy!
    1. Cavalier753
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      Wow, thank you. Sometimes I look at other authors like carnagefiend and grendel and I can't help but feel inferior. It's very heartening to know that somebody thinks so highly of my work.
  5. Pickysaurus
    • Community Manager
    • 663 kudos
    Hello there!
    Thank you for sharing your excellent image with the Nexus Mods Community!
    We like it so much we're going to promote your screenshot on our Social Media.
    Look out for your image appearing on our Facebook or Twitter over the next few days!
    Keep up the awesome work!
    - Nexus Mods Staff
    1. Cavalier753
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      Wow! This is a pleasant surprise!

      Thank you for giving my image attention, Pickysaurus. Really appreciate it, and looking forward to it.
  6. Lee5Lee
    • supporter
    • 65 kudos
    Awwwww, thank you so much! ^_^ It's always a burst to read and watch your stories, and every time I see new update message, I inhale deeply *_* If anything,I should thank you - for creating real masterpieces!

    As for the question, I do prefer action-packed times mix with slow-paced moments, when people just walk through wasteland or sitting near campfire, that adds some character to cast, helps to understand heroes' motivation and gives a pleasant pause. Maybe not showing the whole fight for castle, but just a draft about a squad of peasants and Preston marching through Commonwalth? They would probably be very nervous and scared, something like "Y did I even agreeeeeed T_T" mood, could be interesting ^_^

    Anyway, I am super-sure that whatever option you'll choose it will be perfectly made continuation to the story ^_^
    1. Cavalier753
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      World-building is one of my favorite things to do, as is character development. However, creating a cohesive story that doesn't bore the reader is my primary concern. The characters will flesh themselves out through the course of the story if they have ample opportunity to; the people that read the story are my priority, as I want people to not feel overwhelmed with constant action or bogged down with a lot of talking.