Boston Harbour District Sewer

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I have reused the collapsed submarine pen and placed it in this new cell, it will also be connected to the United States Navy East coast HQ.  The will also be plenty of  sewer lines to explore as well.


  1. harkness13
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    God damn, this linked with Subway Runner and SOTS will add an awesome new dynamic to Fallout 4. The world above, and the world below.
    1. kirloper
      • supporter
      • 71 kudos
      Mate i will add in various areas from the last of us such as the underground areas like sewers, metro and collapsed buildings
    2. harkness13
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      s#*! is legit, my dude.

      Browsing your other photos and mods, to clarify - you've made an interior cell for that underwater road tunnel that connected downtown Boston to East Boston/Airport? I came across the caved in entrance in East Boston and always thought it was a wasted opportunity for transit between the two areas.
    3. kirloper
      • supporter
      • 71 kudos
      You will be able to find the entrance to the car tunnel under the financial district. Or through fanuiel hall it will then link to a car park at Boston airport. I have also made another underground car park just underneath with a elevator or auto load door don't know yet. Eventually their could be 100 new interiors maybe allot more as I will just keep adding in new ones.
  2. Vanden
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    You're working your butt off on this and it shows. Great work. Looks amazing. I miss the subway systems from FO3 this will be a nice addition to FO4
    1. kirloper
      • supporter
      • 71 kudos
      The project is doing great and there will eventually be a sewer system for each district, and will all link together. At the moment the mod is 21mb of just vanilla assets meaning there are 10,000s of individual pieces, I plan on reusing all of the DLC interiors as you only really see them once through each playthrough and I have to say it is a shame as they are quite well made. Interior creation is the first step, then enemies, then custom enemies, then quests. I am planning on building a huge collapsed underground city similar to diamond city, where supermutants, gunners and raiders co-exist, There will be many new enemies eventually as well as a new large faction named THE MARINES which are basically a Gunner/Raider/BOS crossover. They will be heavily armed and will carry plenty of supplies so taking one down will give you plenty of loot. They will be similar to the Tech Psychos in FNV. They will be based in the DLC06 Vault tech caves. But i will remake the area adding in new caves, and an entire new huge military bunker 6 times a larger then fort Haugen, including, living quarters, vault full of recipe items/upgrades, munitions storage with a lot of ammo/weapons, ventilation tunnels, utility control, power control and many more. But in the meantime I have completed about a third of the Marine HQ as well as plenty of new interiors which I have no shown. The project will be similar to AWOP but much much larger.
    2. Vanden
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Well I am stoked for this.You're taking great pride in your work will be a great release i'm sure.From your response it looks to be getting amazing additions.Kudos
    3. Degby1
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Are those Marines more bad guys to shoot or can you side with them?
    4. kirloper
      • supporter
      • 71 kudos
      Mostly bad guys but there will be a breakaway group that have rebelled kind of like the outcasts. And I could make a quest where you have to join with those outcasts and infiltrate the marines main base. You would need specific armour, weapons and keykards which could be found in other various cells.