Fallout 4
Institute Agent Revisited

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  1. cydonianmystery
    • member
    • 27 kudos
    Three reasons.

    First, my gaming PC broke, hard drive was destroyed by Windows 10 update, and I literally have zero income, so there's no ETA on when, or if, it will ever be replaced. Possibly never. So I can't work on mods, maintain them, etc.

    Second, my friend on Tumblr that still uses NexusMods explained to me that the NMM replacer, this... "Vortex" thing, doesn't let people download more than one file at a time unless they pay money. Whereas NMM would let people download up to five files simultaneously. I've long been uneasy with NexusMods' increasing obsession with monetization and putting more and more of its basic site functionality behind a paywall. And this is on top of Bethesda's shameless attempts at paid mods. Like, NexusMods thinks they can become the Netflix of modding, and just... no. Hell no.

    The games industry has realized that modding is yet another opportunity for short-term profit maximization, and the once free community of mods is being strangled behind this site's actions, and Bethesda's CC. Hopefully, with the New California expansion for New Vegas being on ModDB, this will help to break that monopoly, and I *might* put my mods on ModDB or GitHub in the future. Again, this is dependent on my PC getting fixed. But I won't be uploading on NexusMods again. Sorry.

    Third, I'm honestly so sick and tired of the direction that Bethesda has taken the Fallout franchise that I've wanted to just give up. Like, look at how awful Fallout 76 is. They just doubled down on everything that made Fallout 4 garbage. This franchise is basically a joke to them.
    1. jtjrawlins
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      That's fair enough. A bit of a shame, but fair enough. It really sucks about your gaming rig too. Windows 10 was kind of a sucker punch to a lot of people. Anyway, I hope stuff ends up working out for you.

      Oh, and I realize it's only one of the reasons, but vortex doesn't do anything like that. By default, it only downloads one mod at a time but you can queue them up and it's easy enough to get more than one going at the same time. Download speeds are throttled for non-premium members but they always have been (which is fair enough, having high download volumes costs a bucket load for them).
    2. cydonianmystery
      • member
      • 27 kudos
      Ah, fair enough. Thanks for the clarification there, and for the well wishes. If you really need the pistol replacer mod, let me know and I'll try to get it to you on Google Drive tomorrow.
    3. jtjrawlins
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      I ended up just using the vanilla 10mm on this playthrough but thank you for the offer. I do know there was at least a few people who've missed your mod though. There was a small thread on the pistol's mod page mentioning it.
  2. jtjrawlins
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    Howdy, what happened with the replacer mod?

    A bloody fantastic thing it was.