Fallout 4
Fallout 4 Midwest - Project Announcement

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Greetings members of the Nexus Modding Community. I am one of the main Team Members and current recruitment officer of the Midwestern Branch of the Fallout 4 Overhaul Comity, or to be specific the relatively new upcoming overhaul Modding Project for Fallout 4....  The Fallout 4 Midwest Project, and we are happily seeking out new skilled members to join the project team who range from singular skills to a multitude of skills. These skills include but are not limited to: "Level Design,  Asset Creation, Scripting, Concept/Texture Artistry, Voice/Audio Creation, and general understanding of various modding tools". Of course like many other projects we will be using Discord as our main communication method so an account will be required.   As a member of this project you will assist in bringing the Midwestern region of the Fallout universe present in Fallout Tactics back into light through the Fallout 4 Creation Engine, full of most if not all aspect of the original game with necessary changes to make it flow correctly.  As with other big overhauls like Cascadia, Miami, or New Vegas, this project isn't just about recreating a previous fallout or creating a new world to explore, but also a way for each member to gain experience, and build connections with others.  

Before you ask, this project WILL include both of Newermind43's Midwestern Power Armors with their permission: https://i.imgur.com/EMcimA6.jpg

We are also pleased to have an Asset Creator from other overhaul projects: Ryce Kaeks, who has done work on both the cancelled Capital Wasteland Project, and Fallout 4 New Vegas.

So, what are you waiting for soldier?

Apply Today on our official Discord through the #Recruitment Channel following the pinned Format
Official Discord: https://discord.gg/ASQzpc6


  1. Jereponibus
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    I love the fact that there is now a new Fallout mod project emerging. So will this be a remake of Fallout: Tactics in the same vein as Fallout 4: New Vegas? Or will this be an all-new entirely original story? If it's the latter, will it be standalone or will the Sole Survivor head out to the Midwest?
    1. Electrosus912
      • member
      • 36 kudos
      It will be similar to F4NV, but it can still be lore accessed by the Sole Survivor. Depending on the option downloaded that is.
      The Sole Survivor option would involve a small start quest in the Commonwealth involving a strange radio signal, a lost bunker full of sweet loot, and of course a member of the Midwestern Brotherhood who will start the story for the player. *Upon the start of the storytelling this will involve the player being stripped of everything, Caps, Apparel, Weapons, etc. Initiating a skippable recreated intro cinematic/trailer, where after you can temporarily change your character's features at least, and where you start your adventure as the Warrior*After you finish the Midwestern Story line you will be given access to the storage part of the bunker *in the sole survivor version*, which will contain a chest with all the items you collected*The Warrior* in the Midwest during the tale.We will try to keep the story the same as Fallout Tactics was, while also fixing any lore inconsistencies present. One thing that will be different in the Midwest.... Caps won't work there at all, instead the player will need to find the correct currencies instead.
    2. wcho035
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey here is an idea, how about you guys restart or finish off Fallout Capital Wasteland? That would make a lot of guys happy!
    3. Electrosus912
      • member
      • 36 kudos
      Will admit, we may try to restart the Capital Wasteland project if we can. But Hopefully this project will make some headway first.
    4. TheFriedturkey
      • premium
      • 1,335 kudos
      U wut m8, we are still very much alive and kicking at CW

      Edit: I cant read ignore me
  2. stalker2657
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Fallout 4 Midwest live stream will be going live soon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwVd6_9V2MY
  3. deleted31511450
    • account closed
    • 15 kudos
    Alright, neat. So has work on this already begun or is it this sort of saying "hey yeah this is going to be worked on at some point." Its more of the fact that I've seen way too many projects do that and then never come out with anything else.
    1. Electrosus912
      • member
      • 36 kudos
      Work has already begun, but we can only do so much with just two modelers *Neither one can do armors or custom creature models well*.
      Thanks to Ryce Kaeks we do have the "Jumping Jack mine" though, still need to get it functioning though, but I think I remember someone making a mine that functions the same. So we may see if we can get his assistance on our endeavor.
      We have no texture/concept artists, no level designers, etc. One reason I posted the announcement to hopefully accumulate some more people to help.

      Which I hope this will work since I found Fallout Tactics' world to be under appreciated. So much could be done with it, one thing we plan to do. Meld the world spaces included in the original demo into the full mod, add more references, etc. Plus the use of vehicles will be present here and that will be neat