Fallout 4
Reed Restart

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  1. Okay427
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Is there any chance you'll release the more casual vault suit, even if it's just when the GECK comes out? It seems so much more practical, especially for the summer seasons!
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      Eh, I dunno with the issue I am having with gaping at the neck and wrists it most likely will never be released. If I could figure that out then I would consider it.
    2. Okay427
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Oh well yeah, I wouldn't ask you to release anything you're not confident about. Ah well, thanks regardless for the response!
  2. highhthere
    • premium
    • 334 kudos
    Goodness, he is simply precious.
  3. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    Concerning the Dof,.. for now it's a problem you have to live with.
    What i did was following up on the suggestion that Wolfgrimdark did to assign a key to the Dof-effect so you can toggle it on and off at precise those annoying moments,..
    I think your shots look great, and you did come very close indeed,...
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      That is a great idea, but I can not seem to figure out how to do it for ENB? I see it for "reshade" but not for ENB.

      Got to admit this is the first time I really ever used a ENB a whole lot.
    2. RatherWindy
      • account closed
      • 162 kudos
      I don't know wich preset you are using, but the most out there get their Dof from reshade.
      And indeed,... Only Reshade has the toggle possibillitie as far as i know of, that is,.. i'm not an expert myself,...
    3. MissMorose
      • premium
      • 232 kudos
      You could just turn off the ENB for cutscenes/gameplay and turn it back on for screenshots. Shift + F12 toggles ENB on/off. Alternatively, you could bring up the ENB's in game tweaking menu and disable the DOF from there. Shift + Enter brings up the menu, and from there you should be able to toggle the DOF on and off at will, along with several other ENB features.
    4. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      Yeah I guess I was looking for a lazier way they have to use the shift enter every time I talk to someone lol. Lazy Nivea is lazy.
    5. RealArideya
      • supporter
      • 403 kudos
      I'm a bit late, but you could edit the settings in the ReShade folder to assign a key to toggle DoF on and off so you could keep your reshade.

      To do that go to the ReShade folder and open the file named McFX.cfg with Notepad.
      Find "define DOF_ToggleKey" and change the entire line to something like this: #define DOF_ToggleKey VK_END
      Save and close.

      This assigns End key to DoF toggle

      Hope that helps, and a really cool character you made
    6. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      Yeah, but I dont use reshade I use ENB so its not really going to work for me. But thank you all for the suggestions.
  4. daMiriam
    • member
    • 58 kudos
    Oh my ! Did I see earplugs ? I neeeed them :3
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      Yup I have a thing for them, I need to figure out the "headgear" workings in FO4 first sadly. How to make them conform ect. D:

      Why u complicated FO4?

      Better pictures in my gallery of them!
    2. daMiriam
      • member
      • 58 kudos
      I saw them all ! Gorgeous character )
  5. MissMorose
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Pre-war Reed looks so cute and happy in that shot with Nora. And for some reason, changing Shaun to be the player's nephew makes the story 10x better to me.
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      I mean I would personally go to the ends of the earth if someone stole my Nephew and killed my sister (or in my case cousin), there was NO reason it had to be your child and wife/husband.

      His sister was the only family he had left before Vault 111 and now she is gone, sad Reed is sad. He shall find Shaun and they will be happy damn it, you know in Reed's mind lol.
  6. deshaz
    • premium
    • 85 kudos
    Wonderful work as always and I like your story line
  7. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos

    Excellent. and interesting to see the progression of your work. Not to mention the thoughts behind it. I really like that vault suit. I can easily imagine waking up after 200+ years and searching every nook and cranny in the vault for clues and anything useful. That would leave your suit -and you- in a less than pristine state
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      I can not picture never unzipping your vault suit, it looks so tight and almost claustrophobic to me. My favorite vault suit was the Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit because it looked casual and actually wearable, so I wanted to go for a similar look here.

      I will prolly unzip it even more and add a shirt under it, for my character to show time passing and the suite getting more worn.
  8. assaultdrone
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    So you made a good unzipped vault suit, do you think you could do the same to the female mesh? Like, just barely zipped down to the collar bones, as opposed to the belly button like the one from Loverslab?
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      Naw sorry but I pretty much never make female stuff unless its for a mod that I feel needs them, there are a ton of modders who do female stuff I am sure they will make one in time.