Fallout 4
Gerber -Bear Grylls- Parang

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  1. DogtoothCG
    • premium
    • 346 kudos
    Looks good! Glad you got it ingame!
    1. Dhegonus
      • BANNED
      • 68 kudos
      yeah your advice really helped. The only way it would work properly is if i split the object in two in 3ds max, but still have them attached, if that makes sense. Then export them both out as one and throw it into nifskope and do as you said, but copy two sets of trishapes over, one for the hilt and one for the blade.. Weird, but it worked!
    2. DogtoothCG
      • premium
      • 346 kudos
      Yeah! Thats the part I didn't get to get to before I had to go. You need to make sure that your dealing with the same amount of stuff as your ref object. You can add secondary parts to a model easy enough if you know your way around nifskope, but in the beginning, you need to make sure everything lines up with your reference.

      Good job on getting it in though! Sorry I had to drop out earlier.
    3. Dhegonus
      • BANNED
      • 68 kudos
      wouldn't have any idea on how to get rid of the shine? not so much gloss.. but when you move and you catch the sun light, it gets a bit bright
    4. cedaie
      • premium
      • 230 kudos
      Beat me to it! Nice work.