Combat Rifle new receiver Mock up

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This is a mockup for new ideas. As of now there are no plans for release.

As you know, the vanilla combat rifle is a rifle for .308. This is the idea of combat rifle for other caliber.  For comparison, ammo meshes are also lined up.

Carbine has already been released as Mod. Originally made for .45, it looks like the size to match other small bullets.

Assault rifle is for 5.56. It is a bit smaller than vanilla.

Anti-Material Rifle is for .50 cal. Also, for 5 mm almost the same size will be necessary.
I first learned that 5 mm is such a large bullet. It is almost the same as .50 cal!


  1. lewisroantree
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    I always imagined this weapon being more something akin to the M14 functionality wise as a Battle/Marksman Rifle. Like how the SMG is a purely Automatic Weapon, I think it's more fitting for this gun's bigger ammo types (From 5.56 to .50 cal) to be Semi-Automatic only, as its smaller pistol rounds regulate it as a SMG.
  2. BBbewlay
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    had another thought about this concept, and if the combat rifle is broken up into a platform it might be nice to sort its muzzle attachments by variant. It would be cool to see the SMG variant with the cutts compensator from the submachine gun or the squared suppressor from the 10mm, and similarly for the AR variant with the machine gun/assault rifle muzzle bits, especially since the suppressor says 5.56 on it. The really oversized muzzle break/compensator for the vanila assault rifle could be just for the higher calibers, and it would be cool to see separate models for the differing stat blocks, unlike vanilla. Figure it might help distinguish the variants visually.
  3. FirewolfX7
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    • 0 kudos
    I would be so thrilled to see this in game cause I hate the fact they changed the ammo type last minute. I like to think that this weapon is entirely just the company that made the combat shotgun for military contracts making these guns from the same tooling and schematics on the side for civil contracts.
  4. passinglurker
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    Any chance you could widen the magazine to actually look like it'd fit the cartridges "double stacked" and cut off that weird shotgun drum-mag tab while you are in there? I always found the combat rifle to be a bit tacked on the way it looked too much like the combat shotgun so the differing lengths are a welcome improvement.
    1. satojo
      • supporter
      • 262 kudos
      You may like this Mod.

      For the drum mag tab, I attempted to change before.
  5. jkruse05
    • premium
    • 363 kudos
    Great idea. This would be an excellent addition to your armory.

    There is no way the 5mm round is nearly the same size as .50 cal. The in-game model might be that big, but I'd have to say it's just an oversight. Remember, .50 cal is 12.7 mm, more than double that 5mm measurement. 5mm should be similar in size to the 5.56mm.

    I have come to believe that it was originally intended to be analogous to the Russian 5.45, way back in Fallout 1. Whether that is true or not it is definitely an intermediate rifle round.
    1. ghostrecon123
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      • 202 kudos
      agreed, since the ammo box of the 5mm seems to be intended for 7.62 nato rounds, it even has "for use in M134" printed on it, i think that ammo model wasn't even suppose to be 5mm in the first place but was later changed to 5mm but without resizing the in-game model.
      weird considering the .308 is Fallout 4's equivalent of .308 winchester which is similar to the 7.62x51 Nato so it would be redundant to have both ammo types.
      in-game stats of 5mm weapons from F3, FNV and F4 are all weaker than 5.56 weapons which likely means that the 5mm has to be a smaller or weaker round than the 5.56
      even most the pistol calibers are a little over sized compared to the 5.56, that or the 5.56's in-game model is just too small.
      Fallout 4's in-game ammo model sizes is just a jumbled mess.
    2. passinglurker
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      • 0 kudos
      Unless you are suggesting he also change the weight, value, and spawn rates for 5mm that doesn't add up.

      real life 5.45x39 weighs about 10 grams each, real life 5.56/.223 weighs about 12-15 grams each doing it realistically the two rounds are so close together in terms of performance they'd be redundant. Meanwhile in fallouts 1-3+NV 5mm weighed about half of 5.56/.223 do to its role as dakka ammo thankfully 5.56/.223 were weighed reasonably accurately so we can work out that the classic fallout 5mm weighs about 6 grams each puting it at roughly equivalent to popular PDW rounds like 5.7x28 or 4.6x30 in terms of weight. Additionally the low damage high armor penetration behavior exhibited in new vegas also backs up the PDW round theory so someone had to have also noticed this and ran with it to give 5mm its own niche.

      Of course the weight theory falls apart in fallout 4 because 5mm here weighs 3 grams each which is only equaled by .22LR... damn it bethesda...

      At this point I'd just shrug off realism and design 5mm as a fictional round based around its existing stats to avoid screwing with the level lists that means based on its low price and weight that its much smaller that 5.56mm and should go in the shortened carbine receiver(you could probably fit it in the 10mm pistol too).
    3. jkruse05
      • premium
      • 363 kudos
      I thought 5.7mm too, originally, but then I couldn't figure out why the old P90 doesn't use it, but the AK-112 does. You're right though, it's depiction is all over the place. It's definitely a light round, that's for sure, not any larger than 5.56 at most.
    4. satojo
      • supporter
      • 262 kudos
      I thought that 5mm were like .30 Carbine. In other words, it is lighter than a standard rifle ammo and heavier than a pistol ammo. I do not know why the bullet mesh is so big. Of course, I do not really treat this as a .50 cal class.

    5. passinglurker
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      My point unless you want to change how much it weighs per round, how much is costs per round, and how much you find looting the only way to really treat it in terms of weapon balance is essentially as a pistol round or maybe even less since its about the same bottlecap cost as .38 for about half the weight. It would be pretty OP if it wasn't the ammo for lowest pershot DMG, but highest ROF, and a round like that really should go in the short carbine receiver because it would be a very small cartridge to be able to fill that role.

      I wouldn't be worried about the in game mesh because there aren't any rounds laying loose in the game world for a player to notice and highlighting that bethesda screwed up and used a giant heavy MG round would be a lot weirder for the player.
  6. BBbewlay
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Looks really cool. Would the C mag also be resized to various calibers or would it just be for the .308? Could be cool to see the tommy gun drums on the pistol caliber one, the concept mockups have been really cool to see.
    1. satojo
      • supporter
      • 262 kudos
      As of now, there is no detailed plan. I do not intend to include it in my Armory mod for several reasons. It will be an independent Mod.
      Perhaps I will prepare such a thing when I make this a Mod.
  7. raybo01
    • premium
    • 58 kudos
    Looks Fantastic.

    A wholehearted, "yes please!"