Fallout 4
Sci-Fi Mars Mod - Album of screenshots and text

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  1. WADDRage
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    As an ME diehard myself, Being I was playing ME1 when no one had any idea what Mass Effect was and even got laphed at in my gaming community for playing it at the time (same with the witcher I), to which no one I know jumped on either the ME bandwagon or the Witcher bandwagon until the seconds came out then everyone was like "Hey Rage have you seen the previews for Mass Effect 2, or have you seen the Witcher II reveals" and I am like yall were the same dumb asses laphing at me for playing games yall never heard of and now yall fanboys jumping on the bandwagons?

    anyways, I would def download and run this mod if you make it reality, hell id even be willing to help with beta testing this for you, and especially if you make it a standalone gamesized with it.

    looks fabulous
    1. JP193
      • premium
      • 77 kudos
      Yeah ME is great. It's funny how in the ME1 days a lot of people laughed at say, the facial animations, and now the whole trilogy is legendary. It was fun to play from the beginning when Mass Effect was just starting up.

      Thanks for the support! If I ever have a playable version it'll be on Nexus and I'll try to remember to inform you.

      I don't work on this mod super heavily right now, due to a combination of college and having played Fallout 4 to death, buuut we'll see how far it gets over time.
  2. User_42537105
    • account closed
    • 78 kudos
    Obviously you're a ME fan (so am I) and thanks for sharing this ambitious plan for a rather grand mod. Would take a team to really pull it off (?) I would think, but you've come pretty far with it. I can only imagine the amount of work put into it. I half expected to see Shepard (Nate) and maybe Ashley (Nora) sitting at the table in the night club area with Garrus hanging nearby. Wonderful vision and background. Thanks for sharing!
    1. JP193
      • premium
      • 77 kudos
      Hey, sorry for slow reply, I was notified of endorsements but not a comment.. Thank you for the supportive words!

      Honestly, I'm not sure if it'd take a whole team unless I made it game-sized, progress goes pretty fast when I know what I'm doing. The station apartment, all textures in it (a mixture of hand-made and edited from public textures) and figuring out how to make custom workshop areas were all done in under a day if I remember right.
      It'd take a while to add detail and quests, but I'd worry about that if I worked on it more.

      Speaking of people sitting at tables, stuff like NPCs and furniture should be next. I plan to have a smaller, less text-heavy album in the future and it'll be fun to show less bare-bones levels.

      If Starfield wasn't coming out maybe it'd be full-on mod plan, but I figure by the time 'The Red World' was fully playable there'll be a full AAA sci-fi Bethesda game.

      ....Also yeah ME is great.