Happy Halloween

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  1. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    A couple of days late, we black cats are busy at this time of year , but fun set! And the deathclaw is adorable carrying her Halloween pumpkin for goodies.
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      well I hope it was not too much stress
      Thank you very much, Pat ... yes, isn't she? I want one as a pet
  2. frank213
    • premium
    • 830 kudos
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Hah... gruselig...

      Vielen lieben Dank, Frank Ich hoffe dir gehts gut und du hattest auch eine schaurig schreckliche.. schöne Halloween Nacht
    2. frank213
      • premium
      • 830 kudos
      Danke Dir Tanja, mir geht es soweit ganz gut, was ich auch von Dir hoffe. Ich habe mich auf Arbeit mit den Geistern der nacht rumgeschlagen.
  3. Bernt
    • premium
    • 394 kudos
    LOL Great set here. And that video was the icing on the cake. I knew the tune very well. But I had never seen the vid before. Hilarious
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Thank you very much
      Oh I had that tune in my head, but didn't know the name of the song, so I was listening one Halloween song after another till I found it... so at least it was worth to search so long, if it gave you a little smile
  4. blu377
    • supporter
    • 197 kudos
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Thanks Oh, it was scary indeed
      My neighbors had given a party... and they started to sing... drunk... I tell you, more creepy is not possible ... my ears are still bleeding
  5. jumarbye
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    Lol - great set! Very cute idea
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Thank you very much
      I didn't wanted to make any event or holiday related stuff again... but damn... I am a screenarcher... the idea popped up in my mind and I let it go
  6. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 277 kudos
    heheh funny Halloween, Sam needs a bigger knife lol :) Death claw treats seems about right for the Commonwealth lol
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      ... well yes, a bigger one would be better... but not really enough, don't you think
      If she would know, what kinda Steak Steve gave her...evil...
  7. Roksa
    • premium
    • 295 kudos
    "Oh my god, oh .... " - this were my words when I saw main pic.

    Aaaaaah, awesome as always, thank yoouuu dear <3 This night will be scary indeed x)

    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      what a wonderful reaction... thank you so much, dear have fun... and never forget... don't drink and drive
  8. hammersmcp
    • premium
    • 116 kudos
    What fun!! Great work creating the scene and story. Perfect music and video choice. Sooo enjoyable.
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Thank you very much
      Just a spontanious idea... it was so much fun to do that.. and the nicer to see that others share my joy
  9. User_42537105
    • account closed
    • 78 kudos
    Happy Halloween...fun set. Deathclaw trick or treat?! Now I'm really turning off the porch light I like seeing these three together
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Better you do... and turn off your door bell... and park your car somewhere else.... and leave the light off... maybe you'll roll around in the mud too... they have very good noses
      Thank you very much, Jacob
  10. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 898 kudos
    Awesome - the boys look awesome shirtless - that was a real treat :)

    The surprise trick or treater was also a surprise. She just wanted some food for her baby.

    Hmm so Sam has a big gun in his pants?

    Ivy looks so relaxed there - how it should be. Love the shoulder pose. And Steve is so adorable with that smile!
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Well... sweets are bad for the teeth... other treats hopefully not

      Haha... yeah, I guess that's it Steve gave her also some steaks... before he would lose his hand and possibly part of his arm

      well... Idk... next playtime I will check that out for you but I think in the beginning they wished he would have one

      Thank you very much, Jon ... it was a little fun thing and I enjoyed it pretty much... seeing them so relaxed and happy was a good thing