Fallout 4
V's Stylish Decor - WIP

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  1. napoleonofthestump
    • premium
    • 543 kudos
    Elegant creations, as always. I'm terrible at arranging knick-knacks and have a weakness for excessive fiddly bits in my settlements, so my vote would be for at least one pre-cluttered selection. One of these days I'll build a nice, clean, mid-century modern home-space in which I can display a single perfect martini on an immaculate sideboard (and not just fill the place up with garbage and animal heads and liquor bottles and fire).
    1. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 137 kudos
      Another vote for more work...I mean pre-clutter I intend to make a few that look post-war and not super fancy. Immersion-wise I think martini glasses fit quite well with the style from prewar. The olive, maybe shouldn't have survived...well deviled eggs did, so..maybe!

      I don't usually decorate with perfectly prewar stuff either. I do; however, like a balance. As if your character has fixed up the old dresser and slapped on some paint. It just makes sense to me RP-wise that it would happen. Or fresh flowers - they should grow out of the ground non-wilted (or so I believe). In case one doesn't believe this - they can look at the rose growing guide book I added to my mod to explain the rose bushes - I'm full on serious about this stuff!
    2. napoleonofthestump
      • premium
      • 543 kudos
      Ha! I can dig it.

      Might just be my own single-track mind, but I always found the Bethesda-flavor Fallout approach to flora a little disappointing. There was so much missed opportunity for weird cartoon-radioactive plant growth a la John Wyndham's Chrysalids. Rose-wise, if you ever were to make a nice, realistically gnarly patch of multiflora, I'd be all over that. That plant gets a bad rap for being scary and foreign, but multiflora hips are by far my favorite for tea, and it provides great forage and habitat for mixed winter songbird flocks.
    3. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 137 kudos
      Multiflora rose? My husband's Grandma and Grandpa's farm was overrun!! (sounds like a joke - isn't) I guess that's the bad rap it's getting. It's considered an invasive species here. I do always love your pearls of wisdom. I'm old enough to enjoy me some winter songbirds.
  2. hammersmcp
    • premium
    • 110 kudos
    You could pre-clutter a tray with 2 martini glasses and the shaker (or 2 wine glasses and a bottle) for some romantic evenings. That would be much appreciated.
    I like how you've done the olives.
    1. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 137 kudos
      Add those trays to the rose petals and some candles and you've got romance! So it is written, so shall it be done. People clearly want the clutter and I can do it. I'm glad you like the olives, it seemed a waste not to toss one in.
    2. hammersmcp
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      In RL, I worry about a 2 day old deviled egg, so 200+ years in a broken refrigerator? I never eat the ones in-game.
      But, olives - that's another story.
      You may have seen this in the comments to cormell's latest stories, but if not:

  3. User_42537105
    • account closed
    • 78 kudos
    I could see my girls toasting each other with these They look great with the trays.....Martini's, sitting on the old couch by the porch burn barrel, watching the sun go down
    1. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 137 kudos
      Hah! I always have martini's when I watch the fire barrel. What else would you drink?
  4. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    These look great. I do like it sometimes when there are pre-cluttered stuff myself. I don't always have the patience to add it myself :)
    1. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 137 kudos
      Good to know, although I have a hard time imagining any of your guys holding stemware without breaking it! Perhaps the plain glasses and some whiskey is best for them
  5. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 247 kudos
    Just watching and waiting, love your work. On the subject of preclutter, it might be good to have something to snap to the bottom shelf like the Dino mod. I have trouble getting things to even sit on a few tables in my menu, (not sure what mod) things seem to snap swiftly to the floor below
    1. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 137 kudos
      All these should sit on any surface that is ground or stackable (all tables, counters, etc). Do you use PE? That would make it a lot easier to use a bottom shelf (which I think doesn't count as a surface).Snapping is certainly possible but adds another whole dimension to the project. I'll see how far I can get! Perhaps just cluttering the bottom? Decisions, decisions. I appreciate the feedback because it helps me decide what people would like more.

      And thanks for the compliment
    2. 0nelazyBattlemaga
      • premium
      • 247 kudos
      I do use PE, not it's master though. Your welcome for feedback, I do try to keep it to a minimum these days. will PM you tomorrow with a backburner idea for your painting mod.
  6. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 276 kudos
    oh oh love those trays, could do one set pre-cluttered and one set un-cluttered hehe
    1. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 137 kudos
      Hmm..that sounds like work! I thought the trays would be cute for other things also, like tea or books or beauty clutter, so I definitely want to have one of each empty. My struggle is always, what to put on them (Bottles, glasses, etc.) I may make separate clutter groups and then the user can choose to put it on the table, tray or a counter or shelf if they prefer.
    2. Heaventhere
      • premium
      • 276 kudos
      Oh that seems like a great idea, I can see a couple of books glasses on top, a tea cup . Nice idea!!
    3. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 137 kudos
      Yes, my mind goes a mile a minute. The idea of tea and some books sitting on a bed next to a snuggly blanket! Or a little towel with soap and perfume or bath salts next to your tub. It goes on and on.