Chinese Remnant Faction WIP

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  1. jaycap911
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i want to shoot him
  2. 5547631
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So some of the old mods still have a chance to be released?
  3. BBbewlay
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    I gotta agree that the raiders of the commonwealth probably wouldn't be the first to start singing the Internationale and reading off quotes from Mao, but the idea that they'd have stolen chinese gear if it was available is pretty natural. I really like the thought of this project, expanding on the chinese presence in the commonwealth would definitely be interesting, and the gear for the faction so far looks excellent. Pulling various other mods together into something cohesive like this seems like it could add a ton of cool possibilities.
  4. nigthreaven
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    sound oki but who'd it not be better if you made so all raider in the commonwealth was using chines gear that way you can say that chines remnant have started to convert american citizen to there course and thy are still trying to take over the us even after the war
    1. Chad95
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      Maybe, but anti communist sentiment is still pretty high in the United States even 200 years later, and there's the language barrier issue. Not to mention raiders probably don't really care about the Chinese, they're probably more concerned with well raiding people and getting free stuff. But it wouldn't be too much of a stretch for some of the raiders to be using some of the gear that inevitably would of trickled into the wasteland over the years.
    2. nigthreaven
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      ya because a raider don't care why he fight as long es he get pay to do it i can see well anti communist sentiment is still hie who ever whit that said see it from this point people don't care who bring peace as long es thy get peace and stability to world like fallout so i can see the raider joining up as a excuse to steal stuff from other or another option is to build random spawn chines troops that can encounter in the wasteland seens i play as the enclave be nice to shoot some yellow heads ;)