Fallout 4
Coming Home Again

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Fallout 4 is one of those "mysteries" in life that I can't quite figure out. I have had a love/hate relationship with this game almost since it's release. I cannot count how many people have complained about this game for more reasons than I care to remember- I have agreed with some of them. Is it a good game? I think so. Is it a good Fallout game? Debatable.

Still, I find myself getting mad at it for one reason or another and stop playing it, uninstalling it and swearing I'll never install or play it again. But, several months later I come right back to it because I miss it. "Why?" is the question I keep asking myself as I download yet another mod or two for it and dream of making some cool mods for this already aging game myself some day. I think the answer is that I keep seeing a vast potential for this game. Some really excellent mods have been made for this game and continue to be made. But I keep feeling that we have only scratched the surface of what is to come and I find myself excited again to work on this old friend......

Cheers everyone and Happy Holidays!! :)


  1. gucky2010
    • premium
    • 361 kudos
    Excellent Welcome back
    1. Fkemman11
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      Thank you. I plan to release ALL of Perraine's clothing mods in one big one since he already gave me permission. It will take some time to put together and I plan to add some new ones of my own, but I want to try to make it as good as I can since I have learned quite a bit in the last year.
  2. Joistikas
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    She looks pretty, kinda reminds me of Jordis from Skyrim haha. Hope you release her as a follower or preset
    1. Fkemman11
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      Thanks. Actually I plan to go back and re- release most of my presets with the proper masters this time since I screwed that up before lol. She might be one of the new ones.
  3. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    So True. Glad you're back.
    1. Fkemman11
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      Thanks Cormell. I hope you are having some fun these holidays crafting some more wonderful stories. I'll have to make a point to sit down and do some catching up as I enjoy your great screenshots and plot twists and turns. I can't get over how good everyone's game is looking lately!!
  4. Teratoid
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    I've got a similar relationship with this game. I love several things about this game, but I don't love the game as a whole. While it is a great platform to mod and experiment with, to me, it just isn't a "proper" Fallout game. Wandering the wasteland, discovering things, uncovering stories or mysteries in every location, that's all great. The actual quests, the writing, the factions, the mediocre combat mechanics... Oi. Average writing is usually enough to put me off any game within a couple of hours, but I'm still here with this one. And that's definitely because of the mods.

    While I love every major Fallout release prior to this one, Fallout 4 for me has been... ¯\_(?)_/¯. Mods keep me around, actually. Especially the promise of upcoming mods like Miami and Cascadia. And Fallout 76 confirms my suspicions that the fans have a better grasp of what makes Fallout Fallout better than BGS has.

    /end unrequested rant.
    1. Fkemman11
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      Yeah, I'm more than a little worried about future titles like TES6. I really hope Beth turns off the cruise control and starts coming up with some fresh ideas/overhauls their aging game engine. I wasn't around when modding sort of took off, but I think Beth has had a pretty big influence on the whole thing and I would hate to see them just fade into the night.
  5. arghTease
    • premium
    • 206 kudos
    interesting take on Fallout. i too have a love/hate for it. the frequent updates with bethesda at worst moments for me LOL has caused me to almost uninstall and forget it but my Lachina keeps me here. i get too attached to some of my characters LOL
    good to see you back again
    1. Fkemman11
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      Heya RT! Sorry I've missed some of your great game art over the last several months. I really thought I was gone for good this time. But, like I said- something keeps bringing me back. Maybe I just love the character editor in it and all the mod outfits waiting to be assimilated into BS lol?