Fallout 3 Creation Engine version

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  1. MoonALM
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    The only issue I see with this is visual styles clashing, Fallout 3 has a very gritty, sharp, rusted look whereas fallout 4 brings us in a world of coulourful numbness and cutesiness. In other words, the PC hands and weapon aswell as model don't fit in the environment at all, neither do the animations, I'd really like to see a modern renditin of the fallout 3 arsenal and animations though, that would be a sight to behold under new lighting techniques and texture rendering properties.
    1. deleted7103646
      • account closed
      • 135 kudos
      people made tons of weathermods, just to get the look you're dissaproving of.
      And how can good animations look off ?
    2. MoonALM
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Oh, no, the animations for Fallout 4 are really well made but they fit weapons that reload on the opposite side than they should. I usually play with animation mods and such. About the look and fell, I suppose it comes down to personal preference. Thanks for answering.
  2. deleted7103646
    • account closed
    • 135 kudos
    Can you write down globally what you did to convert it ?
    I have a pretty good understanding of how things work in both this engine and the former iterations,
    so i know enough with a simple explanation to do this myself..
    I know Maya and 3DSMax too, and a shitload of other 3D programs.
  3. Bernt
    • premium
    • 393 kudos
    I'm playing FO3 at the moment. And this.......... Awesome
  4. EdDante34
    • premium
    • 160 kudos
    Great work as usual. Have you considered making a Discord channel for this mod?