Fiery Black Rose

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...she was the most cool-headed out of the three, but she was also the most cruel. Enclave officers addressed her as "Dr. Rose," while the Generalissimo simply called her "Ms. Rose." The Raiders called her "The Witch," while the Gunners, much to the nuisance of Ms. Rose, called her the "Baroness." Whoever she was, she looked remarkably like Naomi, and always accompanied her. She preferred to use hollow point rounds often in combat, notoriously shooting enemies to wound them so she "enjoyed hunting down her prey slower."


  1. waspdeath
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    "When your outfit and skin is 4k and your gun is 512 texture" XD
    1. dickyftw
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Lol! Yeah, I think there's some mo-blur on the weapon too, I keep forgetting to turn that off...
  2. User_5536714
    • account closed
    • 47 kudos
    Beautiful image!
    1. dickyftw
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Thanks kazpin!