Synth Uniform - Stealth version

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....I already have the different parts of this outfit mapped in separate layers, and doing "remix" of the Advanced Synth Uniform is pretty simple now.  I had a little idea I wanted to test out tonight, and this is what I got.  What do you think?  This was a first try,  just to see how it looked in game, but I think it could work with some tweaks.

Thanks for stopping by.  :-)


  1. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 277 kudos
    Only one suggestion I have the icon on the arm is in orange but the one on the neck in your other post is red, should they both not be red maybe??

    I really love this one with the honey cone design reminds me armor built right in the material.
    1. DiodeLadder
      • supporter
      • 47 kudos
      Thank you very much for that suggestion Heaventhere - that's a very good point, and I think you are right about that! Simple red marking on black would make more sense.

      I think it looks sort of like a ninja chain mail outfit, lol. I have to make more adjustments, but I think it could be an interesting addition if I can get it right.

      Thank you again for your kind words and stopping by. :-)
  2. wickedpeter
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    that would make a nice corser replacement and are you willing to make a replacer not stand alone ?
    1. DiodeLadder
      • supporter
      • 47 kudos
      That's an interesting idea! I'd have to test it first, but I could provide the replacer patch separately from the main mod. If all goes well, I'll upload it along with the update for Advanced Synth Uniform. I still need to adjust things, but I probably can get this out for this weekend.

      Thank you very much for stopping by, wickedpeter! :-)