Advanced Power Armor

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  1. AyeTraprunner
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    I hope this version of the armor gets released I like it more than the current classic APA model
    1. GameMashter
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  2. EbonyChampion12
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    • 7 kudos
    "Welcome to Camp Navarro. So, you're the new replacement... You are out of uniform, soldier! Where is your power armor?!"
    1. deleted52402881
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      "You don't have any? you expect me to believe that maggot?!" 
  3. JB717
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    There's those of us out here who imagine stuff like this in our head and wanna put it in the game yet lack the experience and discipline. And then here you are going through these concepts like candy in actual complete form and then putting them aside unsatisfied rather than letting others touch it, so to speak. I'm not trying to sound bitter, but more like curious how the world is so confusing as to be like this. Anycase, my favorite one is the top right.
    1. Zer0Tru7h
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      It is semi infuriating isn't it lol. He could have released this as a version 1 and then released one he was more happy with down the line but has instead decided to produce it and never release any of it lol. Oh well.

      Hopefully one day his work will see the light of day.
  4. jokersevenx
    • supporter
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    Can't wait till this is released will definitely be donating money to help your future endeavors after this releases
  5. dismasvanRAAM
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    still working for this?
  6. MapleM8
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  7. Dukoth
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    I hope you finish this, having this in game would help me justify my head cannon that the X-01 was a prewar prototype that the Enclave based their power armor on
    1. InfernoxRatchet
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      Its not headcanon.

      X-01 is literally the prototype for APA. The lore in 76 states that the Enclave in Appalachia sent the schematics for the X-01 to the Oil Rig.
    2. deadrabbitsvspec
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      lore that was shoehorned in by bethesda to explain the x01s existence is no better than head canon. FO4's lore directly contradicts 76's lore by stating the x01 was created by postwar government remnants. And the Enclave didn't even start work on the advanced power armor until 2198. They were using t51's right up until the advanced power armor mk1 was completed.
  8. FrostLeafy
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    Tbh shouldn't take this long to finish this, I think he abandon it, he would of given us an update by now, its funny how many advanced mk1 power was abandon except for this one, also how the x-03 armor aka hellfire was abandon and didn't add the heavy incinerator at least the creation club one exist, but yea real shame they never got finished.
  9. Waffles4You
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Aww man, please don't tell me this project is dead. This is incredible work just from the pictures alone, here's hoping it isn't. An update would be much appreciated.
  10. KPOHAP
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    Привет! Очень интересный скин ... Когда планируешь релиз?