Fallout 4

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  1. DiodeLadder
    • supporter
    • 47 kudos
    Wow, that looks great, really feels like real life locations. I'm sorry to hear about your computer issue - this kind of project is hard enough to do already, and more trouble is the last thing you'd want. I wish you the best of luck with your project, as we all need more places to explore in FO4 ecosystem. :-)
    1. Sly4Good
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Thank you so much! I've gotten things situated with my computer, so as long as nothing unexpected happens. I'd love to turn this into more than just a single town, but since I'm the only person working on this I'm going to use this as portfolio work for the time being, hahaha.

      I'd love to create a really immersive wasteland for players to explore, so I'm hoping all goes well with this to warrant me expanding it!
    2. Marthos
      • premium
      • 75 kudos
      I'd love for you to create a really immersive wasteland too, because with the attention to detail you're putting in I think it would be rather bloody good.

      Don't hammer away too hard though, you don't want to burn yourself out.

      Will be watching with interest
    3. Sly4Good
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Don't worry, I won't be tiring myself out any time soon! I've been taking pretty frequent breaks when I'm not inspired or life gets in the way; the last thing I'd want to do is burn myself out! I've also slowly working on plans on how to expand this out into a full wasteland and not just a single town, so maybe in the future this can grow to be more than just a single person learning the creation kit, hahaha.

      And thank you! I both really want to create a wasteland that tells a story, and want to try and work around the CK's limits to make as accurate of a recreation as I can while still fitting it into the Fallout Universe. The lack of environmental storytelling is something that's really been bugging me about Fallout as of late.

      I hope you enjoy whatever the future holds for Project Kanawha!