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  1. nigthreaven
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    Dam that was so sad the son made the ultimate sacrifice for his mom but lien will not see it she is the one that killed him all she had to do was just walk a way take here husband and son and walk a way from war pain suffering but she chose the war she decided that vengeance was more important then her son then her husband and tanks to that she now will only have dust and ash blood and war war never changes
    1. Viper047
      • member
      • 71 kudos
      Shaun made his own decision and he did it freely. During the years of absence in China Shaun was able to understand the actions and decsions of his mother - and why she was sometimes very hard to him. Also more about his own role, his mothers role.....

      In the end Shaun recognized there will be only one way to end this, because they won't stop to hunt him or his mother. It will never end. He will give them what they desire - but it won't be what they have expected.
      Despite Lien's order that Shaun should never return to the former US, Shaun became a Dragoon, hunted the responsible Enclave member, came back to the Commonwealth for the purpose to do this sacrifice.

      Shaun knew already that he won't have enough time. He wasn't angry when he left his mother. He was thankful that she gave him a life, even when it was short. He has forgiven her decision to send him away from her....

    2. nigthreaven
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      well i love your story telling viper and love the story was just my wive after reading all your story's this fare cant wait to read the next peace
  2. majna
    • member
    • 26 kudos
    There's a bitter irony to this, if Lien's past actions are any indicator this will just make her double down on the war
    1. Viper047
      • member
      • 71 kudos
      that might be possible, hard to say. even when Lien seemed to be rough to Shaun, it's was her try to protect him. Shaun understood it really when he was in China. Lien couldn't be the woman, she has to be, when he was close by her....