Customizable Humvees Update

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  1. mobius10
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    This is amazing! I look forward to the release date!
  2. Ryuandjohn
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is absolutely incredible! I love it!
  3. BBbewlay
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Great to see the amazing growth of this projects ambitions, and then see it actually get realized. I'm excited to see where you go with this framework in the future now that you have it set up, it clearly has a ton of potential, even beyond the other vehicles like the hotrod and buggy.
  4. User_8205656
    • account closed
    • 88 kudos
    Love how everything looks, but not to be rude, I think that engine part should be a lot bigger. I don't know if you are aiming for immersion and all, but since everything is metal, i don't know what type of an engine could fit in there and be able to power such a HEAVY thing. Maybe if its nuclear powered we could see something showing that and such?
    1. Diegonom
      • premium
      • 572 kudos
      Thanks and I do aim for “immersion” so the humvee is based on the one seen in fallout tactics and real life models and none of those have an engine sticking out. And just like other cars in game you can tell it’s nuclear powered because it’ll blow up in your face if you shoot it enough. Immersive as fvck if you ask me.
    2. 6000SUX
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      The size of the engine is bang on. If you look at pics of real Humvee's they look about the same. The only time you'd see an engine sticking out is it has a blower also known as a super charger that forces air into the engine.
    3. Diegonom
      • premium
      • 572 kudos
      I could look into making a super charger modification to the humvee in the future but the Hot Rod is next on the list after I release this.
  5. denzel4444
    • premium
    • 53 kudos
    Damn! exited as hell to try this!
  6. Phibbs
    • premium
    • 100 kudos
    Absolute mad man!
  7. MJWarden
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    Looks like a lot of time and effort went into this. Good luck with it!
  8. pndr
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Are you sure this is its final form?
    1. Diegonom
      • premium
      • 572 kudos
      I think so but then again...
  9. villings
    • BANNED
    • 48 kudos