Halo'd BoS

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About this image

I know it's lore-twisting, but I've been working on a revamp for the BoS into becoming Halo-Influenced for a few months now, off and on.
Currently impliments TCS Spartan armors, Project Helljumper's ODST outfits and Misriah's Armoury weapons across different classes of BoS.
Bend the lore a bit :p Perfect for people who play with a more modern / varied twist to FO4's weaponry and armors.
Beta Release soon once I fix a few more things.


  1. chimichanga78
    • member
    • 27 kudos
    Looks very promising! (although I never played Halo, I like the style with the few mods out there for Fallout)
    And the capture here is great! Very cool character, too
    1. Ardent117
      • premium
      • 692 kudos
      that's danse with the other members of his scouting team you first meet, haylen and rhys, albeit using some people's npc face replacers
  2. TheAbsoluteZero
    • premium
    • 282 kudos

    John is that you?? 19 yrs and I have finally seen his face