PEACE WIP - Medical Braces 01

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This is an image from a FO4 mod I'm working on called Project Extend And Change Everything (PEACE).

The PEACE WIP thread can be found here. Note also that PEACE is the sister mod to WARS, the WIP thread for which can be found here. WAR(S) and PEACE, you see?

In PEACE, stimpaks no longer heal injured limbs. One of several alternative methods available to heal them are medical braces. They are worn like armour pieces - one per body part - and slowly heal that body part over time. (Faster with ranks in the Medic perk.)

These ugly "hospital green" monstrosities are the regular medical braces. While they do work, they're cumbersome to wear and cause various penalties while equipped. They also prevent you from wearing armour on the affected limb while equipped of course, and they offer very little protection themselves.

Power armour pieces can have medical braces installed in them too - and these are not cumbersome - but they do take up the "Misc" mod slot.

I should note that the head brace is based on real-world "halo" braces, but doesn't accurately depict how the real thing works. Technical limitations. The same goes for all the medical braces, really; you can't immobilise the limb without having to redo half the animations in the game. ;)