Fallout 4
New mod Sumer_of_69

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  1. Sinapus
    • premium
    • 58 kudos
    ....*someone* is a Bryan Adams fan.
    1. ToneTigre
      • member
      • 126 kudos
      Hahaha, well spotted !

  2. MsRae
    • supporter
    • 86 kudos
    I love the ruffles on the skirt! What program did you use to model it?
    1. ToneTigre
      • member
      • 126 kudos
      Hahah the ruffles were not intended, it is a by product of my broken simulation...... But it dos look nice =D
      It was done in marvelous designer.
  3. Cursist
    • member
    • 39 kudos
    Nice, looks much better now. It would be even better if you add some seams and collar. Good jub
    1. ToneTigre
      • member
      • 126 kudos
      Thanks, yes I agree whit a collar it would had looked nice, it is a bit too late now for that. on my reff there was only a small one. I didn't not want to make it even more high poly.... but is is a good point.
      There are some seams but let Texture is a bit to dark. if you look at the flower paten (picture 3) you can see the theme.