Vault Suit work

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combing the styles of fallout 76's stitched cloth jumpsuit, with fallout 4's tight bodysuit.  added more tin foil like height data to brass materials.


  1. GrimTech
    • premium
    • 49 kudos
    Looking forward to this!
  2. Lobstermagic
    • premium
    • 116 kudos
    LOVE! As someone who tends to always wear the vault suit, it makes me so happy to see such a great looking mod in the works for it! Can't wait!
  3. KaitarFett
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    Oh very nice DP! will you be adding in your own types of variants (colour choices and patterns) or stick with an improved “vanilla” look?
  4. Jckspacy
    • member
    • 22 kudos
    Oh, hell yeah! This will go perfectly with you Pip-Boy mod! I'm also glad you're doing a sort of mixture between FO76 and FO4's jumpsuit. As bad as 76 can be. They did nail the Vault Suit in my opinion. So. This is gonna be awesome! :D
  5. greg079
    • member
    • 40 kudos
    it looks great, but over the years i've come to love the diamondweave of the original. is there any chance you could upload the source files for your mod for the people that like to play with textures?
  6. Astronautarisen
    • supporter
    • 117 kudos