Real Western Revolver WIP

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I´ve always been dissapointed with the "western revolver" in Nuka World DLC : not a big fan of Remingtons as "iconic" western revolver, I think some Colt is more iconic from that era (peacemaker or Army), so...I am trying to make a real western revolver.
Still a wip, as I am really bad with textures and I can´t figure out how to make animations for the single action reload (as seen in New Vegas, anyone knows how to convert anims?)...


  1. oifvet88
    • BANNED
    • 32 kudos
    hit up WarDaddy for animations
    1. shidi2223
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      With 3rd person animations, thats going to be awesome
  2. cr1m50nph0en1x
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    I wholeheartedly agree... a Colt is a way better option!
  3. 21crescendo
    • supporter
    • 68 kudos
    Yes! Keep it up and do hit up the fantastic community of animation modders here. This mod deserves all the love it can get.
  4. mrconvict
    • member
    • 76 kudos
    Your doing the Lords work. God bless you.