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  1. arghTease
    • premium
    • 210 kudos
    1. ThatMrSmile
      • premium
      • 413 kudos
  2. Bernt
    • premium
    • 393 kudos
    Back from the dead? The Mojave is not THAT bad. At least the game is more alive over there
    1. ThatMrSmile
      • premium
      • 413 kudos
      "the game is more alive over there"

      Ha-ha, that's for sure. New Vegas is for play, FO4 is for screenshots and nothing else.
    2. lonewanderer345
      • premium
      • 145 kudos
      "New Vegas is for play, FO4 is for screenshots and nothing else."

      Hmm....wonder what I've been doing for the last 7500 hours (6000 hours of which was before I took a single screenshot, and 95% of my screenshots are taken during gameplay).

      Sorry to butt in, but the 'hurrah for hiss to FO4' is the undertone...often the loud overtone that I dislike about the gaming community.
      I find it quite depressing.
      The whole Outer Worlds thing has been/made me feel, sad for the last few weeks...not sure I can be bothered to share screenshots and participate in nexus anymore...time to hang up my hat and just go play Fallout 4 quietly in a corner.

      Have fun, whatever you choose to play chaps, all the best.
    3. ThatMrSmile
      • premium
      • 413 kudos
      I'd say you are taking it a bit too close to heart. Come on, it's just a game. Arguing about video games really is like arguing about which 70's hard rock band is the best. It's fun, but essentially pointless. In the end - who cares really? We all stcik to the beloved stuff no matter the opinions.
    4. Hiemfire
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      "The whole Outer Worlds thing has been" What Outer Worlds "thing"??? I think I missed something big...
    5. ThatMrSmile
      • premium
      • 413 kudos
      This thing.

    6. Bernt
      • premium
      • 393 kudos
      I didn't know about it either. But the add had me laughing. And the music.......
    7. Hiemfire
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      I was aware of the game. Waiting for it to leave Epic and Windows exclusive status for the PC (I have enough blasted accounts out there, I do not feel like creating and managing any more) and then going to check prices. Still have F4, still like it, still play it, wish it was a little less gated though. Won't play F:NV ever again (play for ~ 13 hrs = oh your save file has corrupted and the game won't load. Wait, make that the last 50 save files and 10+ hours of play time... Even with the damn patch. No thanks. And no, I don't blame Obsidian for that.).
    8. ThatMrSmile
      • premium
      • 413 kudos
      That's really odd. It's not as easy to break NV saves as people think. Been playing it since 2010 and have never experienced a corrupted save. Oh well.

      "I don't blame Obsidian for that"

      I blame Bethesda the company that has only given them 1.5 years to make a game, that the said company would've spent at least 4 years making.
  3. maroszka
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Very nice, especially the third picture ( from 57:14-24)
    1. ThatMrSmile
      • premium
      • 413 kudos
      Many thanks.
  4. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 335 kudos
    Nice to see you are back
    1. ThatMrSmile
      • premium
      • 413 kudos
  5. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    Well, good to see Katie here, great shots of her and love the tennies.
    1. ThatMrSmile
      • premium
      • 413 kudos
      "good to see Katie here"

      Chances are great there are now 2 of them because of that teleporter accident.
  6. Hiemfire
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    1. ThatMrSmile
      • premium
      • 413 kudos
      Yep. It's all beacuse of the weather. While Monocyte Breeder and Sub-Dermal Armor implants allow Katie to run around barefoot across pretty much anything with no issues, she has become accustomed to the Mojave heat. It's just too cold for her toes in Boston. But don't worry, Give her some time to get acclimated, and she'll start flashing her feets like never before!
    2. Hiemfire
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Fair. Acclimation is important. I was just shocked to see a pic with her wearing shoes.