Fallout 4

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  1. Broodahood
    • premium
    • 883 kudos
    That looks really good 0.o
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Thank you very much!
  2. kozakowy
    • premium
    • 1,042 kudos
    Great char I must say looks so real.
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Thanks so much, Koz!
  3. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    He looks really cool Pat!!
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Hi there, Michael, and thanks!
  4. reveccamorikava
    • member
    • 108 kudos
    Great winter in this images! and thats quite a tough looking guy. I like(:
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      The winter weather is pretty awesome. And yeah, I like rough/tough guys (not that I don't admire the ultra-handsome, sleek ones but give me scruff anytime ). Thanks, Rev!
    2. reveccamorikava
      • member
      • 108 kudos
  5. taepal77
    • member
    • 134 kudos
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Thank you very much!
  6. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 309 kudos
    Looks as though he gives about as close to 0 f*cks as humanly possible. :P
    I think he'll survive until Spring just fine.
    Have fun on the play through!
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Thanks, Dylan! You've got him pegged pretty well. How's the new batch of beer coming along?
    2. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 309 kudos
      IPA is still fermenting but has been putting off sulfur compounds for a couple of days so I got around to adding some cupric sulfate to clean it up today. Smells nice and piney and should be ready to rack/dry hop within the next week ^-^
      Molasses beer is bottled but is shocked like mad; should be better in a week as well. My oatmeal stout was the same way, taking over a week for the richness and flavors to come back around.
      How's the husbands back? haha
    3. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Wellll, as far as the hubby, he was doing better then got all active on Friday (because he was feeling better), did more than he should have and now it's bad again, just not quite as bad as it was previously. However, that mead is finally bottled (and dang, no wonder the Vikings and other medieval folks loved it, this one has this very rich, full-flavored honey taste) and there's a pale ale fermenting away.
    4. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 309 kudos
      Yeah that's pretty common with back injuries, unfortunately >.<
      That's cool about the mead though. I've only tried a couple and didn't think too much of them but I might branch out and try to make one someday.
  7. MarinaHyde
    • premium
    • 179 kudos
    What a handsome guy, you did a very good job on him! I just wish there would be images without his stylish sunglasses. (I need to see the eyes...) Your Fallout looks very Christmassy as well.
    I hope you have fun in the snow!
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Hey there, Marina! *gives her a big hug* Thanks! In Raven's game, Sanctuary, Starlight and Sunshine Tidings are all decorated, but all Brody has is the weather. There should be some pics coming along sans the glasses. We were building him a little cabin out in the middle of nowhere and it was very sunny, so not to go snow blind (the keyboard cat needed a pair herself ) we threw on the glasses. Less than two minutes later, the skies got really dark and blizzard conditions set in. Since the rad counter was ticking like mad, we figured we better get somewhere fast.
  8. arghTease
    • premium
    • 207 kudos
    name fits him well... anticipating some kick a$$ action from this dude...
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      I usually spend a bit of time, once I start creating a new char, on what their names will be. Not so on this guy. He just looked like a Brody to me. Thanks, RT!
  9. denzel4444
    • premium
    • 52 kudos
    As a climber I appreciate the Carabiner this guy looks like a real overt operator!
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Hi there, Denzel! Happy weekend! And thanks! A friend passed the outfit on to me and I was considering who to hand it off to and along came Brody.
    2. denzel4444
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      Hehe Cool beans!
  10. frank213
    • premium
    • 825 kudos
    very cool, looks Brody, great set Pat
    1. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Hi ya, Frank, and thank you very much! *and those kittens are adorable *