Fallout 4
Courser X-92 Male

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  1. nivea
    • premium
    • 1,112 kudos
    *cranks up some electric swing music* Gonna try and finish the meshes today.
  2. Tancred1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I am so looking forward for the release of this mod !!
  3. nivea
    • premium
    • 1,112 kudos
    Slooty Vault Jumpsuit Zipped WIP: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/17273/?
  4. WreckitRolly
    • premium
    • 68 kudos
    DAT ASS!

    So yeah, this is pretty damn cool, the female version of this and the slooty vault suit don't really appeal to me all too much but this looks really good and would be useful for my institute play-through (if you release it that is).

    I do hope you end up release this.
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      Permission requests have now been sent out, so that well tell if it can be released or not.
  5. brokefoot
    • supporter
    • 477 kudos
    Assuming you go through with this, are you planning on releasing both the zipped up and open version ? I like them both, really glad to see you're still working on this. And I'm quite impressed you managed to reform the original so well. I can barely tell it started as a female base, well that booty is a lil' fresh, but whatev's. Same can be said for your reform of the simply-clothes tank top.

    I think you'd be providing a great 'modder resource' by uploading this, too, no matter how it is presented. What I mean is the mesh here seems like a fantastic under-armor for use with other pieces. And I'm assuming that your current edit, along with nsk13's edits, still hold the same UV map from the original ?
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      Yup I will be posting both for sure, I think both versions have a use and a audience so no reason to not included both.
      The booty is pretty fab, I dunno if people will like that or not.... but its so glorious I have a hard time removing it LOL.

      Yup it keeps the same UV map so that means even the "slooty" vault suit textures will even work on it, which I may include a addon for too since its the same mesh.

      Working on cleaning up the zipped mesh and then it should all be good to release, so prolly next week it will be out baring any permission issues. Which I will be sending out PMs tomorrow for that.
    2. brokefoot
      • supporter
      • 477 kudos
      Awesome ! That's great news. I envy the quality of nsk13's texture work, but I still have a soft spot for the original textures. I know they are more basic/simple, but to me that's what makes them so great. Anyway, thanks for getting back to me so fast. Looking forward to your mod.
  6. Earrindo
    • premium
    • 163 kudos
    Always wonderful to see the men get some attention as well! Elianora's work is so far the only really high quality new stuff ive seen and this would be an awesome addition. I sense Danse would be particularly fetching in this ^_^
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      Yeah her stuff is amazing and she is amazing for making both genders, something I really appreciate alot!
    2. brokefoot
      • supporter
      • 477 kudos
      Shameless self-promotion about to happen (sorry, nivea):

      Well, Earrindo. Have you seen THIS mod ?
    3. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      No worries, its a great male armor so more people know the better.
  7. ZyphFL
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Needs a tad more package. I would like it better with the zipper closed. I really wish the nano suit was used as the base more often so it would be a bit easier to get these awesome mods for males a bit easier. Is what it is though. I think it is great that you are even attempting to convert this.

    Maybe take a look at the Kerriger body suit next.
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      Closing the zipper is harder then people seem to understand, this mesh was made open so its textures and vertexes are set up in a way that makes it very difficult to close without major texture stretching.
      I am trying but it may not be possible to get it just right for a release, I may add a undershirt if I can not close it as a option.

      The Nano Suit is just a vault suit retexture, its not very high poly so I can fully understand why modders make their own meshes. Vault suits for male and females have different UVmaping so even that would be more work for this modder who made these scratch textures lol.

      Kerrigan looks just like the female body retextured to be a suit, its kinda low poly which makes it harder for me. Plus I dunno if I like the textures or not enough to put the work into it.
    2. ZyphFL
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thsnks for the reply. Trying to decide how bad it want it. It has been over two years since I did any modding, and I kniw it can take a toll. Still, there has been some amazing stuff for females and and I only play male characters. Still, thanks for the great work!
  8. Looks nice! Is this still OutfitStudio or You finally managed to work with F4 meshes in Blender? Still not going to play F4, I haaate shooters >o<, but straight import for porting to NV would be nice because .obj format causes stitches on outfits that should be fixed and causes problem with x-axis mirror vertex editing >_> .
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      I still use my old method:
      1. Export mesh as object
      2. Import mesh in Blender
      3. Export as object from Blender
      4. Import into Outfitstudio and weight it

      Blender hasnt been updated to the new format so I cant really import them and export them the way I want yet. I admit I never really had issues with "stitches" or x-axis stuff before with objects. I believe there are smoothing settings in Nifskope that can smooth out the object meshes like Blender can.

      I feel like FO4 is not really a "shooter" as say call of duty, its not that kinda of feeling to me. I dislike "shooter games" too lol.
    2. Heh, and I feel FO4 like clear shooter and can't do anything to it. No skills, no dialogues, no perk system, no karma, no immersion and totally no sense of presence - just 3D doll walking around (through 360 degrees lol) and shooting everything. Also settlements "feature" brokes immersion and attempts to roleplay character even more for me. >_> As some people say, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is much more RPG than F4 lol. Kinda bad thing for me because most of peaople react quite agressively when I express my opinion (was even banned on one site for it xD ).

      Well, I have stitches with all .obj files that I import to Blender - not only exported from NifSkope F4 ones but with ones that I import from source .obj file too. This is actually not exactly stitches that corrupt geometry, this is just doubled verticles which better to be merged because they are noticable ingame after export.
    3. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      I dont feel like FO4 is a real RPG anymore, but its not really a shooter to me either. Its a sad hybrid of a game that does not know what it wants to grow up to be. I find the people in the game enjoyable enough though so I am trying to do the main quest at least.

      S.T.A.L.K.E.R. I feel is somewhat more of a RPG then FO4, BUT I feel it is also more of a hardcore shooter then FO4. I feel FO4 has lost its roots, the main char voicing shows this the most.

      But I dont mind the settlement stuff myself, I only fix up the places I plan to stay at and if people want to move in around me fine. I dont do the whole fix every settlement thing, screw them they are big boys and girls.

      As for the verts yeah I merge those before I export, and it seems to not matter for FO4 (maybe even in Skyrim) because they do not seem to come back on object export. The outfit above had those issues and I merged them. They do not show up in game play atm.
    4. I always was a traveller, adventurer, quester and roleplayer when it comes to enjoyable gameplay for me. I only expressed my opinion about this game because I made conclusion that it is doen't fit me at all. I just don't like it. This is quite different as it was in Skyrim because Skyrim quite OK with RPG content (can't say it advanced like in NV but still there is normal dialogues and other stuff). I just don't really like cold northen climate. But I still play it because I find it atmospheric and epic.

      None of this I found in F4. I think the best way for fo4 modding is to advance it shooter part, not trying bring back RPG one because there is very strong technical restrictions for it. Sorry if it sounds rude or something, I just used to express my opinion despite the fact the thing is modish or not.
    5. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      Hey no worries, I dont have any issues with people liking or disliking games. I personally cant stand Skyrim because of the lack of choice in the game myself, I found it even more "lifeless" then FO4 (npc personality wise). FNV is however the clear best RPG that has been put out with Beth's name on it since Morrowind (which is funny since Beth didnt do anything for FNV).

      FNV has the choices, the RPG, a decent combat system, decent crafting bones and all the npc personality that you could want.

      FO4 to me is a fun romp through the world, I find the areas to be pretty and interesting enough to keep me wandering around. I also like some of the followers a ton and they did improve those a huge amount from FNV and even Skyrim. But I agree it is NOT a good RPG, maybe once mods come out it might be a okay RPG.

      I mean they have a mod where it takes away the players voice, now if someone added more dialog options the player could "say" in convo it could flesh things out alot more.
    6. "now if someone added more dialog options"

      Well as I know it is almost impossible because 4 reply variants are hardcoded. And even more - this is not count of dialogue choises, this is hardcoded triggers tagged "yes", "no", "something like persuasion" and "stupid joke, i.e. sarcasm". All dialogue effects are strongly scripted. So I cannot imagine how people are going to make quests for F4. With voiced PC it looks much smoother that it really is, but without it this will look very very poor.
    7. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      Never say never though, the modders fixed the dialog wheel and turned it back to a box so maybe someone will figure it out in time? *crosses fingers*
  9. nivea
    • premium
    • 1,112 kudos
    Zipped up version WIP here:
  10. Psijonica
    • supporter
    • 99 kudos
    I don't even play fo4 and I vote for a release.

    Hey, where did you get that tattoo? That is awesome. ^^
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      Rofl, well I guess everyone can appreaite mods even if they dont play the game lol.

      The tattoo is something I have been working on for my character, you can see better pics of it in my past gallery pictures.
    2. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 99 kudos
      I'll look for it
    3. Haha of course eveone can! Actually the only reason I monitoring f4 mods is porting magic Sometimes there is nice scratch-made armours and weapons that should be in my game (arghh still can't make myself to learn weapon port thing >_< ). x)