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This user's image description contains 20 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Klaxoid
    • member
    • 193 kudos
    This pic Looks so amazing. Truly great set with some H.P. Lovecraftian imagery
    1. Excellentium
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      • 357 kudos
      Thank you kindly, Will!

      I wish I had more high-leveled experiences from this game, because that would surely bring some true Lovecraftian horrors to the sets, but I'm hardly doing any quests at all when playing Fallout 4. I like it for the sake of survival and it's a fun game for screenshots since it works up your general skill in screenarchery...or so I believe. There are so many thinsg to see and behold, yet this also means you need to stay rather focused or the shots get all messy. I blurry DOF helps a lot of course, but you still need to reconsider the compositions and the perspective. I like such challenges and I'd say it will reward you too when making screens for Skyrim.

      The hubflower shot came out very nice indeed and funny thing is, those flowers are the same we pass from the Vault 111 exit when walking down to Sanctuary after being "awakened". I see them everytime, but I don't always snap shots of them...
  2. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 179 kudos
    "Join us."
    1. Excellentium
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      • 357 kudos
      Resistance is futile as they say...
  3. Shnub
    • supporter
    • 122 kudos
    Trippy. I really like your compositions Rick they are very ciematic and you have a great style ato doing them. Kinda hard to pick one favourite here. but I think that this is it. As to why, I can't really tell myself I just like it the most :S
    Anyway, Great post apocalyptic vibes in this one.
    1. Excellentium
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      • 357 kudos
      Thank you very much, Shnub! I do believe this game is excellent for the sake of getting practice in regards of putting images together. There's a lot to see in most screens with all the debris, the scattered details everywhere, the narrow streets and small - often dark - spaces. This means you'll have to be very observant when composing the shots or else the many things will clutter up the whole image. I'm not saying I'm successful each and every time, but I do say it gives you a nice challenge to train that visual skill often needed to make a shot more interesting. In a way, I believe my screenarchery in Skyrim also gains from the experiences I'm having when snapping captures in Fallout 4. I also mostly play FO4 for the sake of screenshots, because I do enjoy roleplaying and making character backgrounds in fantasy realms a lot more.

      Interesting choice of a favorite and it's always fun seeing personal picks. There's no need for any explanations on why the image is more appealing to you. Sometimes just seeing something is enough to trigger a connection of sorts...
  4. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 311 kudos
    you bring quite a unique perspective to the wastes. That ghoul in a wheelchair is so wonderfully hopeless and creepy
    1. deleted75479183
      • account closed
      • 65 kudos
      Totally agree with Dylan. Fantastic work mate
    2. Excellentium
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      • 357 kudos
      Many thanks, guys!

      It's a very interesting game to snap pictures from. I do prefer fantasy settings, but postapocalyptic wastelands, futuristic worlds and universes in outer space all come in as a close second. There's also an abundance of details in the Commonwealth. Ruins scattered everywhere with the very landscapes all cluttered with remnants from before the nuclear bomb. It puts it all in a very fascinating perspective - dark, gruesome and often cruel of course - but I like the mix of old peaceful life from before the war and the new death and grim reality of the wasteland. Both can be seen everywhere as a reminder of better days and a threat of the dangers ahead.
  5. napoleonofthestump
    • premium
    • 567 kudos
    Nice to see more of your work lately on the Fallout side. That abstract with the roots is exquisite.
    1. Excellentium
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      • 357 kudos
      It's always fun being back in the Commonwealth, because in a way this postapocalyptic wasteland allows more creative approaches in regards of screenshots. That's not entirely true of course, but I've come to realise I play Fallout 4 mostly for the screens and I do like to think the game gives me more visual understanding. Skyrim is my home turf when dealing with character creations, storytelling and adventures, as you already know, but FO4 is a great diversion from the swords, the magic and the dragon fantasy. I even dare saying that FO4 challenges me more too with some artistic thinking. The shot of the roots is a good example of this...

      Many thanks for dropping by, DV! I know you're a busy man, both in reality and with your modding/screenarchery!
  6. ThatMrSmile
    • premium
    • 410 kudos
    I must say - the last one is creepy as hell.
    1. Excellentium
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      • 357 kudos
      That's exactly what I felt when I stumbled upon this "decoration". Quickly paused the game to arrange the shot with a different colour shading and then moved on...sneaking carefully away!