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  1. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 317 kudos
    Do you still have super mutants in your game? Every time I go through there, the SM crew at the hospital are always mixing it up with the synths that spawn near the subway station--I'm thinking if you still have them in there, the SM's probably didn't last long with your ghoul population. Great set of shots, LW!
    1. lonewanderer345
      • premium
      • 146 kudos
      No, I replaced Animals, Insects, Mirelurks, Deathclaws, Behemoths, Raiders and Super-Mutants with Zombies...so they had zombies coming for them from Taffington and the open sewer (all those bloodbugs x2 as zombies), and the hospital (super-mutants and hounds x2 as zombies)....although some of the zomb's look to have wandered off...probably to bunch up as another horde somewhere like those at Starlight.
      As well as those Zombie walker replacements...I'm using SKKs mod to change all the Random Encounters into Zombie spawns.

      So...it's pretty much been Zombies until encountering the synths in Malden!
  2. Karna5
    • premium
    • 328 kudos
    Gorgeous and fluid action :)
    1. lonewanderer345
      • premium
      • 146 kudos
      Thanks Karna!