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This user's image description contains 3 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. hammersmcp
    • premium
    • 116 kudos
    Great look against the solid black background.
  2. adammcbane
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    There really should be more encounters with deathclaw in closed off old vault spaces for that xenomorph vibe. Too bad Bethesda didn't think that way from more pre set up entries with that in mind. Unless I missed some I know of only of the "first encounter" we all run into and it's yet prob the best for me and that one on the building ( pretty nice the first time).

    Imagine an animated entry of a Deathclaw entering a vault from a vent......

    Wish someone could do a Deathclaw xeno mix using some kind of stealth maybe a modified molerat/rad scorpion ability, heck just a deathclaw with molerat tunnel ability seems like a good way to make these things more scary.
    1. hammersmcp
      • premium
      • 116 kudos
      Have you explored the Museum of Witchcraft in Salem? You can get a side quest called The Devil's Due which involves a deathclaw.
  3. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 317 kudos
    Looking really good, Xaz!
    1. Xazomn
      • premium
      • 497 kudos
      Thanks FBC
  4. Bernt
    • premium
    • 394 kudos
    You shouldn't do this. At least these should come with a warning!!! I almost kicked my chair - and myself- backwards across the room in shock and horror. Phew........ it was only a picture Guess it safe to say that you make these beasts come alive.....
    1. Xazomn
      • premium
      • 497 kudos
      that is what i hope, make them more realistic, put some color on their skin. My thoughts about mutant creatures is not that they look sick or flat toned. Naturally there are some that are sick like the glowing one or rabid versions, but overall i think they would overcome their mutation and look just as any other animal healthy in their new state.

      He isn't not finished, need to do a lot still, like all the versions & there are things like the hand, skin,meat and eggs that i like to fit them with the mod itself. All reasons why this C&C takes me a long time to do. Hope people understand that it takes me several years by now
  5. etholas
    • supporter
    • 57 kudos

    Whoever would have thought that deathclaws could be beautiful.
    1. Xazomn
      • premium
      • 497 kudos
      i never thought it that way thank you, like to have it realistic so it get some more color then vanilla textures , those dull eyes is something i don't like from Fallout creatures same as the horns and spines got no texture as you see vanilla.

      Looking in-world is something if ya forget to put the mod on that the creatures are not hostile to me
    2. etholas
      • supporter
      • 57 kudos