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This user's image description contains 3 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.
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Imagine an animated entry of a Deathclaw entering a vault from a vent......
Wish someone could do a Deathclaw xeno mix using some kind of stealth maybe a modified molerat/rad scorpion ability, heck just a deathclaw with molerat tunnel ability seems like a good way to make these things more scary.
He isn't not finished, need to do a lot still, like all the versions & there are things like the hand, skin,meat and eggs that i like to fit them with the mod itself. All reasons why this C&C takes me a long time to do. Hope people understand that it takes me several years by now
Whoever would have thought that deathclaws could be beautiful.
Looking in-world is something if ya forget to put the mod on that the creatures are not hostile to me