The Sentinel

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"The sentinel's coming,
but is this the end?"
-- Sabaton, "Metal Machine"

Shadowed Enclave-style PA from here.


  1. cormell
    • premium
    • 343 kudos
    Looking good. Unfortunately no showdown between the Enclave and the BOS in this game. Maybe someone will create an Enclave quest mod. Heh heh, they will have the PA ready and waiting.
    1. Moraelin
      • premium
      • 310 kudos
      I wouldn't be surprised if there were a DLC or something. Given how the Enclave bases and people were all over the place in past games, I seriously doubt that blowing up one bunker in DC got rid of every last one of them.
    2. Demonikone
      • supporter
      • 62 kudos
      yes yes but, that looks like an institute symbol... so having an "enclave scientist" in the institute, now that is even more real O_O
    3. Moraelin
      • premium
      • 310 kudos
      Well, I must admit I hadn't thought it out that far. As I keep saying, I only went with the institute symbol to keep the BOS and RR on their toes. I'm as easily entertained as a kitten who can mod in his own catnip farm. So I just had to go look for the RR while wearing that.

      I mean, *ahem* out of scientific curiosity. Yeah, that's it, scientific curiosity. I just had to see exactly how human is Glory. As in, can she crap her pants too? FOR SCIENCE!

      That said, hmm, I have to admit, I can see the Enclave and the Institute working together. Even the DNA purity slant is common between the two. Plus, the Enclave has funded research programs before, even after the bombs fell, such as the Athena PA project. So, yeah, I can see where you're coming from. I could totally see a quest line about that.