Fallout 4

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A WIP that will never come into existence, since I lost all my files and cannot find a single recovery program that can find them. NICE.


  1. Stavetskaya
    • premium
    • 724 kudos
    It's not a WIP, pal... sadly to say it's RIP.
    P.S. I know how it feels.
    1. Battenburga
      • supporter
      • 24 kudos
      It's still a WIP my heart... My broken heart.
    2. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 724 kudos
      Hey, Jack, to work on something and lose it just means that you can and will do it better!
      Ones I wrote a beautiful story for the literature contest and when it was done I just forgot to save the file and Word doesn't even ask me if I want to save changes. No autosaves at the process and puf-f-f-f... 64 pages were gone in a blink of an eye! I was so mad and disappointed! The next day I wrote another one. And now I realize that the second was far better than the first one. I didn't win, but have a third place and readers special prize)
      So, don't be sorrowful too long. Get the strength and do better! You can do it, pal. I believe in you.
    3. Battenburga
      • supporter
      • 24 kudos
      Be still my beating heart, Thanks for that comment!
      I feel I may finally get on and remake something, I've been making mods for the last 6 or so years, maybe it's about time I re-learn everything and make something I can be fully proud of.
    4. Stavetskaya
      • premium
      • 724 kudos
      Good to hear it from ya, Jack! I'm just a small member of a community, mods was a gamechanger to me. Push me to learn something more. I wish you the best of luck with your mods)