Fallout 4
Rangemaster Classic Hunting Rifle WIP-04

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  1. SAWTheSpartan
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    If you wanna get technical, the Colt company DOES exist in the Fallout timeline, in addition to H&K (who made the 10mm SMG and this universe's take on the P90) Winchester (who made the P94 Plasma Caster) and Glock (the OG Plasma Pistol, called the Plasma "Defender" in New Vegas)

    Alternate timeline stories are FUN, and it'd be a neat option to include a simple option to include a choice between Colt or Mothman, for those who have a hard time saying Rangemaster without Colt in front of it, because DEAR GOD that just.. rolls off the tongue so well.
    Unlike H&K P90.
    That just sounds... w r o n g.
    Why Fallout 2, W H Y
    1. Scail
      • premium
      • 391 kudos
      No. Just "No".
  2. BeastyNuggz
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Looks great. Classic content is always a great addition to my game.
  3. bloxyman
    • member
    • 100 kudos
    The Colt company actually existed in Fallout. For example, Fallout 3's Colt N99 10mm Pistol was made by Colt.
    1. Scail
      • premium
      • 391 kudos
      Bethesda has never used the name Colt, this is due to copyright. Fallout 3 pistol named N99. Colt N99 it's fanmade. Real company names were only used in 1-2 and Tactics.
    2. Mythos214
      • member
      • 84 kudos
      Isn't it great how copyright has so much reach that it gets in the way of free advertising sometimes? How stupid.

      Oh well, I guess on the other hand not all advertising is good advertising.. still it seems pretty obvious to me that stuff like Coca-Cola suing or threatening to sue (I can't remember which) Bethesda for using their bottle shape for Nuka Cola was more of a greedy reach for money up front and if anything, it was more of a free advertisement for their product. I could understand if it put the product in a bad light but that's not what was going on.

      Anyway sorry for the derailment, I just find that whole thing kind of interesting.
    3. Sichey
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Bethesda did namedrop Colt in Fallout 76 though
    4. Scail
      • premium
      • 391 kudos
      There may be names mentioned in the game files, but there are none in the game itself. The Colt army revolver is called a single action revolver, MG42 called light machine gun etc. Only M79 Grenade Launcher saved it's name.
    5. Sichey
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      I'm pretty sure dialogue from Vault 51 says something about a "Colt 6520 10mm Pistol"
      Would have to find the video again, as I don't play the game myself

      Edit: Completely forgot to comment about the actual pictures: Your Rangemaster looks great!
  4. SSGStryker
    • premium
    • 53 kudos
    I'd almost forgotten about this little reproject. Looks great, and by all means, accessorize the snot out of it.
  5. CrescentTheKhajiit
    • member
    • 33 kudos
    Wohoo awesome! Keep up the cool work :D