Fallout Vietnam WIP armor

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some more screenshots of some US fallout vietnam armors.

All promotional pics are made by RafiJusniora123

Note. The weapons are not ours its just for show, soon we will have pics with out own weapons tho
Also these are not the final versions of the armors but more on that soon.

The logo is just a WIP and a new one will come soon.

Heres a link to the Fallout Vietnam discord for anybody interested: https://discord.gg/MfStc3Z


  1. chrislor2882
    • member
    • 248 kudos
    Will it bring different things to the vietnam war gear mod?
    1. Aheadsem
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      It isnt only a gear mod.
      Fallout vietnam is a quest mod that adds new weapons, armors and a new worldspace with a bunch of other stuff
    2. chrislor2882
      • member
      • 248 kudos
      cool, nice to know