Fallout 4

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Chen and her husband where spies for the CPP during 2077 operating in Boston.  Using false names they along with their son who they had to give an American name ( Shaun )  in order to avoid suspicion had their mission cut short and sought shelter in Vault 111 when they where prompted there was a possibility of the Sino-American war going Nuclear.  The story progresses much similarly to how you think it would from the start except Chen still feels duty bound to her objectives assigned to her by the CPP even though they may be long defunct, years of political indoctrination would do that however.  

Chen's objectives where the sabotage of USAF Station Olivia, reconnaissance of federal and military locations ( See Federal Rations Reserve, Checkpoints, Fort Hagen etc etc ) along with if possible acquiring American technology to be broken apart and researched if possible.