Meet the Family

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  1. deleted2702269
    • account closed
    • 30 kudos
    You always start your chapters so calm and beautiful, but you only to lull us into a false sense of security - but at least I learned to appreciate my walled bathroom more. That was really very well played! ( This one made me laugh so hard.) And I like how you captured the onrushing of Sanderson in her huge and terrifying PA - you can feel the earth quake from the impact of her steps.
    Yes, and sometimes you find romance at the weirdest places - so cute! And a wonderful longing glance.
    Another great expression ....his luck might be impressive, but that is double remarkable as he is probably the most naive person, and is able to bring himself in terrible situations. *headshaking*. But this one is really nice!
    Hmm - that Sapphire-girl is very mystic and her prophecy even more - no clue who the witch might be...... and a dragon?

    Family - that crowd must appear to T0ri and the others as a very odd 'family' with some distant relatives, very, very distant relatives. But as they are all gathered now - may the BBQ begin - some fresh bear as an appetizer and as main course some tasty Gunners!
    1. denzel4444
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      Hehe I always like to start slow the enravel the story and build upon character interactions. There is always like the different interactions and introductions, all of these interactions have a pathways that lead on to more Arcs etc..

      Sapphire is the mystic/volva it will be interesting to see what she saw come to pass
      Glad you enjoyed
  2. kkint587
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hahaha those SFX are so cringey (in a funny way  ) I never played this game but it reminds me of Fallout (also a game I never played).it does look smoother, I guess Fallout was Turn based. Oh look how the new FF7 remake is a hybrid of Turn Based and RTS
    1. denzel4444
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      ??? OK hehe
  3. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    What a fantastic chapter and shots, Denzel! I can guess who the one-eyed witch riding a fire-breathing dragon will be. Like I've said before, like how the disparate groups have come together and their interactions with each other. Looking forward to the next chapter and cool news about the book!
    1. denzel4444
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      Hehe yeah together they are strong, separated they had so many problems. It is a joy to see how they interact, and yes it has been a blast putting this nick-knack of an imagination to use hehe

      Glad you enjoyed

      P.S. I got some cool stuff in store hehe
  4. skywolle
    • premium
    • 172 kudos
    Thanks for sharing my friend, these are wonderful pictures, family is always important.
    1. denzel4444
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      Thanks so much I'm glad you enjoyed the set

  5. arghTease
    • premium
    • 212 kudos

    1. denzel4444
      • premium
      • 53 kudos

  6. cormell
    • premium
    • 341 kudos
    Note to self: Never go into the woods to relieve myself unless I take a full squad with me. And an aside. I don't know if the Butcher (Blizzard Games, Diablo 1, 1992) was the first to say "Fresh Meat," but I have never forgotten fighting that guy.

    Ah, Fresh Meat

    I always fought him toe-to-toe though.
    1. denzel4444
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      hahaha those SFX are so cringey (in a funny way ) I never played this game but it reminds me of Fallout (also a game I never played) haha. But fighting this guy toe toe would have been alot of damage taken! reminds me of age of empires 2 loved that game Also what code did you put in for the Vid? [Video=xxxxxxxx/video]?
    2. cormell
      • premium
      • 341 kudos
      Diablo was about the same time as Fallout 1. Single screens that you moved across. Then had to go to a new cell. Actually Diablo was smoother than Fallout for that. The red ball in the "HUD" is your health and next to it are health ptions. It took a lot of health potions to beat him.

      The youtube site for this was: So I entered:

      [youtube]8wYyCISNkEI[*/youtube]without the *, of course. So the standard youtube bbcode without the extra garbage in the address.
    3. denzel4444
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      yeah it is amazing how things have developed in such a short time! I remember Cassettes and now I use Bluetooth in my car . But yeah it does look smoother, I guess Fallout was Turn based. Oh look how the new FF7 remake is a hybrid of Turn Based and RTS. Anyway Cool Beans!

      Oh and thanks for the Code!