On the Cusp

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This user's image description contains 1 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Sonja
    • member
    • 192 kudos
    Love it!
    I'm not, typically, drawn toward brighter/white colours in imagery, but this works incredibly well.
    1. hammersmcp
      • premium
      • 116 kudos
      Thanks very much.
      It's not something I can manage very often but a completely white background seems to remove the subject from physical reality and place them in their own world. I'm very honored to have drawn you to something unusual for you and happy that it worked for you.
  2. deleted59151206
    • account closed
    • 101 kudos
    very sexy
    1. hammersmcp
      • premium
      • 116 kudos
      Thanks. She does have a very sensual look, I think.