Fallout 4
Th3overseers Super Cool Settlement

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Haha it's funny because I want to die. 

(Yes, I know the title is grammatically incorrect. Nexus doesn't allow apostrophes to exist in their image titles, because Nexus is a proud supporter of illiteracy.)


  1. hitman47101
    • premium
    • 3,747 kudos
    Th3overseer in Fallout 4? the world doesn't make sense anymore.
    1. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 604 kudos
      I wish I could say that after fully reinstalling the thing, it all works perfectly and has completely changed my opinions on the game after the save-file corruption incident from two years ago,

      But that'd make me a liar. Nope, I'm just a masochist.
    2. hitman47101
      • premium
      • 3,747 kudos
      At least the gun mods for this game are cool right? that makes up for it yeah? (I am crying)

      Anyway I hope you manage to find some enjoyment in it regardless, I've learned to enjoy F4 as a pure exploration and shoot s*** game.
    3. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 604 kudos
      I'll grant it, it's got a good weapon system, and a lot of cool weapons mods that would be totally impossible in FNV.

      I do genuinely like wandering around and getting into gunfights, and for as terrible as their writing is, I think Bethesda is decent at purely environmental storytelling. And I like the settlement mechanic, if for no other reason than it's something to do in the background while I catch up on podcasts. About two thirds of my issues with the game revolve around how broken the engine is, with all the crashing and lag-spikes.
    4. whiskeyjack9105
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      If it's the streamlined dialogue system that you find unappealing, you could always have a look at Extended Dialogue Interface, or XDI. It rewords the dialogue system to resembling that of 3/NV's. A few of the quest modders for Fallout 4 have been using it, to great success.

    5. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 604 kudos
      It's not really how the dialogue is presented so much as it is the dialogue itself just not being very good.
  2. Bridges85
    • premium
    • 40 kudos
    I got super excited when I saw your name pop up, I thought we were getting :touchface: th3overseer story mods for F4 at long last.

    Legit man you're the only reason I head back to Vegas from time to time.
    1. th3overseer
      • premium
      • 604 kudos
      I'm not going to make any mods for FO4, I'm afraid. Thanks, glad you like my content.