Fallout 4

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  1. DarkDominion
    • premium
    • 457 kudos
    That look yummy

    Thanks for sharing dear !!

    1. lidertz
      • supporter
      • 161 kudos
      Many thanks Patrick! ^^
  2. tgstyle24
    • supporter
    • 104 kudos
    There she is again... this look is my favorite one... very well done, Sis

    picking up on your conversation with Jon... I had that feeling with Skyrim... as my game then with the complete modbuild died I had absolutely no interest to build it up again...and since then never touched it anymore... it might be that it was because of not being really bound to a character, like Jon mentioned...  I had my portait lads and lasses, but none of them had a real background story... in Fallout 4 it is different for me... I also like some breaks from the game from time to time, but after that I'm really looking forward to come back to it and write a little bit

    I am curious what your creative mind will come up with CP2077... just 10 days
    1. lidertz
      • supporter
      • 161 kudos
      Thank you very much Sis! ^^

      You writers had much connection points with characters for sure. :) That makes your creations very unique.
      2020 is the year of "let go". :D Writting is also not my table, so I stick with colors and angles... :D

      Curious also, well yes, if 2077 is not the release date... :D
  3. NotWord2
    • premium
    • 809 kudos
    She actually looks like stylized Jamie Lee Curtis! :O
    1. lidertz
      • supporter
      • 161 kudos
      Now you say... the iconic screens of True Lies huh? :D
      Thanks for stopping by! ^^
  4. Esmerios
    • premium
    • 186 kudos
    1. lidertz
      • supporter
      • 161 kudos
      Thank you very much! :)
  5. deleted94019838
    • account closed
    • 13 kudos
    now thats a power stance if i saw one! 
    love her belly area, never was able to achieve looks like that myself...
    1. lidertz
      • supporter
      • 161 kudos
      Thank you for the kind words! :)
      Played a lot in BS. ^^
  6. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    Looking great Lidi! She rocks that outfit, some awesome curves and angles.
    1. lidertz
      • supporter
      • 161 kudos
      Thank you Jon, it's really means a lot!
      Yesterday I realised, I'm not interested anymore playing this game. Only enjoying shooting it, and in this too, I slowly burn out. I so await a tool for BG3 and CP2077, and even thinking about AC Valhalla, so new fields can give some boost to my creativity. :) 
    2. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Totally understand :-)

      I think my interest in both FO and Skyrim have remained so strong because I write stories for them. This, in turn, connects me at a much deeper level to the game world and my characters - so I feel more immersed and interested in playing them. If I did not do this kind of lore building and story writing I would have lost interest a while ago. Beyond that I then have mods and ENB to help keep the game fresh - but that wouldn't mean anything if I wasn't interested in playing to begin with. At the core I only stick with games I like to still play. There are many nice looking games I could buy just for doing screenshots but since I am not interested in the game play I don't bother. For me game play comes first then screenshots and other things.

      BG3 I enjoy a lot and would like to do some pictures but so far nothing on that end. A big patch is coming, with possibly some new companions and new content, but don't think it expands what you can access.

      Valhalla might be your best bet since you can use Ansel or some other tool with it for screenshots I believe - so more options to be creative.

      CP2077, alas, is first person only so while you can do some screenshots it has a lot less interest for me in that regard - as I like seeing my character. I am sure I will take some images of landscape/cityscape and NPC's but without third person as a view option it kills a lot of my interest. I will play the game most likely once, and I am sure I will enjoy it, but it is no replacement for a game like Skyrim or FO4.

      I am hoping Avowed, the new game in the words by Obsidian-MS might fill the void as it is meant to be open world and one preview said it might be trying to target Skyrim gamers.

      In the mean time I have some new and old games to play, stories to write, ENB presets to tweak and use, mods to make and mods to use, and plenty of home projects to keep me busy on my free time ... which is limited these days as I strive to manage high work stress and take care of myself and dogs on my own.

      Hope you find something to interest you soon and give you that creative drive you crave :)
    3. lidertz
      • supporter
      • 161 kudos
      Yes, the connection between you and your characters are unique, and understand, story writting makes it even deeper. Probably this is one reason why your writtings are so good. 

      I'm not able to shoot a game also, if it is not even interests me, story is always first, and since only a few game interests me, after years it can lead to some kind of burnout. For example, I played Wasteland 3 only cause the story pulled me in, not really a game for nice screenshots. 

      Valhalla with it's viking theme moves me. I adore that culture, so probably give a chance to it. 

      But anyhow, soon probably some awaited games will arrive, to let rest a bit FO4. 

      Enjoy your Sunday Jon! ^^