Happy Holidays

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Hey guys,

Christmas is near and even when we are all restricted to pandemic rules, I guess many of you will celebrate in one way or another.

Therefor I wish you all a relaxing time, health and luck.

See yah all later :)

xoxo Tanja


  1. hammersmcp
    • premium
    • 116 kudos
    Great group image.   Love the hats!  
    Hope you have a Merry Christmas.
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Thankies the hats from The Christmas Mod

      I wish you a relaxing christmas
    2. hammersmcp
      • premium
      • 116 kudos
      Thanks for the link.
  2. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    What a great shot of the crew.   Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year, Tanja.
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Thank you, Pat

      I wish you and yours a peaceful chistmas too and a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay much better year than 2020
  3. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Merry Christmas, Tanja. Hey, I know some of those guys. Looking forward to see more of their adventures in the new year.
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      They know you too and it will be their pleasure to continue their adventure

      Merry Christmas, Laird
  4. frank213
    • premium
    • 830 kudos
    Ich wünsche Dir liebe Tanja und Deiner Familie auch ein schönes und besinnliches Weihnachtsfest. Ist ja nicht ganz so einfach in der heutigen Zeit.m0109.gif
  5. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 277 kudos
    Merry Christmas my friend my it be filled with joy for you, enjoy your dinner.  Its a different Christmas but still much to be thankful for.  Love the gang all there.    Christmas cheer in story is so dark lol. 
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Merry Christmas, dear

      I hope you can enjoy the time as well, even when differently Its true, there is still a lot we can be grateful for

      I tried to get the team safe in the story, before christmas... so not so dark in my story... now they can meet and drink and celebrate... all the good stuff we (in RL) are unable to do in this way this year
    2. Heaventhere
      • premium
      • 277 kudos
      They all look so happy, have this as my desktop right now lol. 
    3. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Aww.. so sweet... thank you very much
  6. wickedpeter
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    happy christmas and hopefully a better 2021 to all of the fallout community 
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Merry Chistmas to you as well! Enjoy some relaxing holidays
  7. Bennzoor
    • premium
    • 204 kudos
    Very merry christmas!!! Happy holidays and have a great new year Tanja!!! <3 <3 <3
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Merry christmas, James!!! <3

      Enjoy the holiday time and have a great New and healthy Year as well ! <3
  8. Excellentium
    • member
    • 357 kudos
    A very MERRY CHRISTMAS to you as well, Tanja!

    Yeah, this year's celebration will be odd and different indeed, but lets stay hopeful for a better tomorrow. I'm playing mainly Skyrim SE these days and I'm in the middle - or close to the end at least - of remaking all old LE characters I've created into high-poly presets, so I've spent some fond memories with some Dragon Age concepts from back when we did Saturday Night Celebrities. Good times!

    Take good care out there, old partner, and be safe...always!
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Merry Christmas min vän

      One could say it can only get better from now, right? So you finally did the step and left LE, I guess there are tons of good mods now for SE as well Yah... I kinda miss the SNC myself and sometimes I think to restart modding in Skyrim... it was a fun time for sure

      Take good care for yourself and stay safe and enjoy the peaceful time
  9. SanDhum
    • supporter
    • 269 kudos
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
  10. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 252 kudos
    Happy Holidays
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Happy Holidays, stay safe and healthy!