Fallout 4
Luthien21's Survival Guide

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Luthien21's Survival Guide
Submerging with power armor tips
note : it doesn't depend what type of
 this is my mixed up power armor
 My Submerged power armor that  let me unlimited breathing  but suffers gravity penalty.
 Tip any type of power armor will submerged even in a nooby level, but there's a downside on that always survey end point before submerging
 - Unlimited breathing
 - no damage while underwater, sea creatures can't hurt you
 - You can activate your flashlight
    TIp : Make sure you have your Tactical compass for enemy spotting, we don't
            know what inside the boston sea.
 this screenshot was done by photoshop , with the help of enb.
 - Grounded by gravity
 -  cant shoot underwater l obvious isn't it
 -  Cant run
 - Walked 10x times slower
 Tactical advantage
 - Hard to spot
 X-01 power armor -  Torso/Helmet
 T-60 power armor - Left and right leg  - arm left and right
 Paint job Mix  - Shark paint and  hot rod
 Unlock by finding Hot Rodder
 Verdict : Super Mutant Slayer