Fallout 4
Luthien21's Survival Guide part 2

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unlike any other skill , this take some proper aiming and timing, in most sticky situation you will find feral ghouls or mole rats or any kind of enemy shape or form will gang up on you. up-close and personal in this case ,  fire up your pip boy and make sure to choose a perk.

Q: oh gee mr luthien , i don't know what that perk tell me already?!
A: don't worry lil jimmy, i will gladly  answer your question  to that, bear with me.

this strategy is involved endurance and  lot's of strength, like most athletes of Boston , power armor require perception so you don't loose balance, not exactly in the game but common sense.

Here's a filled strategy
First activate the pain train perk at least level 2 will suffice the need of that destruction and let the power armor do its job getting rid those pesky mole rat for ya. while holding the Shift button , you will see all the enemy will die instantly , they will feel the weight of your power armor. i mean who doesn't die getting hit by that.

till next time, so the question is what makes you special!