Chinese Combat Armor WIP

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  1. Psykoman1983
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    well. Looks like you're reaching the finish line! This really looks good. My only concern about are the colors! Imho the whole rig/armor looks to "sharp" and clean. It is the same thing with your uniform release.
    But nevermind. The Armor as such looks really nice and i do know, how much work it takes to come to this point in a project.
    1. Chad95
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      I can add some more details to the textures for that.

      The uniform there's a dirty version then you add abraxo to chem lab to get the clean version. 

      I think it might be the settings for my materials files too. 

      Idk I try to make better.

      Still gotta make the world model version too