Fallout 4
Gun For Hire - Mod Status Update

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Gun For Hire, followup to Feb 2020's Mod of the Month Crime and Punishment, is running a little behind schedule and thought I'd give a quick update on progress.

  • The core mod itself and all of it's jobs and subsystems are done.
  • Testing on pre-release beta via Discord has ironed out the last of the major bugs.
  • Sadly, people using the Nexus beta build from 2020 will not be able to update from that to this version, due to changes and incompatibility between builds.
  • Nearly all voice lines have been recorded and are in hand, being added in as time (and energy) allows. Awaiting final batch of lines.
  • Squad member system is complete and fully functional.
  • Vertibird system is complete and fully functional.

Essentially, at this point, its all about getting the lines from the VAs and putting them into the game, as well as running the lip sync on them.
There are about 2000 or so lines that remain to be put into the mod, which as I am sure you can guess, is a time consuming process (it started at around 4000 lines, so making progress!).
Aside from this point, the mod is ready to go and will be released once all of the lines are done being put into the mod.

Stay tuned - more information will follow in the time period leading up to it's release (which I will not give an estimated date now, cuz it sucks for all of us when I cant meet that).

I welcome any questions you may have in the meantime. :)


  1. Boggelhead
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Good news, very good news. A bit sad  that I can`t update the Beta mod but I will just empty the office out and move the stuff to a settlement and then move it back in. Just like in the real world. :) 
    Really happy about the news. Thank you so much.
    1. FlashyJoer
      • premium
      • 832 kudos
      Yeah, sorry. I tried - but no matter what, the changes Id made were just not compatible - trying to update had weird effects upon the assistant - they would disappear completely or would randomly show up in the world, following you and acting like a companion or they would be in the office and just not talk at all. Tried to track down what was happening but it was all too random and none of it aligned to anything specific in the code. It happened to everyone, in different ways, so there really wasn't the chance it was a fluke or external mod related. Even happened to me when I tested it myself.

      But... some of the discord testers noted you can use the settlement blueprint transfer mod just fine. Works on all placed furniture and decorations (like gun racks), but anything that you put into containers or mounted weapons on gun racks didnt transfer. So that might save you some time and effort, if youre interested in looking into that as an option to save you time and grief.
    2. Boggelhead
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you very much for your replay, but really no problem. I just cleared everything out and put it in a box in sanctuary. 
      Thanks also to the developer of the cargo Buddy mod. :)
  2. FlashyJoer
    • premium
    • 832 kudos
    The final release candidate beta is going very well - only one real issue that needed sorting, which was more of a "house keeping - keep the player informed as to next steps" kind of thing - not bugs per se, but more ensuring you, the player, know what you need to do to progress a certain quest.

    Provided the voice files show up soon, the mod is in a release ready state.

    Not much else to report at this time.
    1. FlashyJoer
      • premium
      • 832 kudos
      Secondary note: Beta testers are reporting no performance impact running Gun For Hire alongside Crime and Punsihsment, PANPC and Sim Settlements 2 (all in the same load order), so that should be useful information for you all as well.
  3. FlashyJoer
    • premium
    • 832 kudos
    Small update, in case anyone is returning here to see such a thing...

    I have 1 audio file left to process for the female client lines (15 minutes total dialogue within it) and then I am just waiting for the second half of the male client lines to come in from their VA.

    All other audio, aside from what is mentioned above is done and in the mod at this time.

    Close... SO very close.
    1. SshakBait
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks, appreciate seeing the updates! Been holding off on making a new character for this.
    2. MisterKen
      • premium
      • 103 kudos
      I'm on episode 42 of my new character, but that's OK because it fills in his backstory and the like. Probably the only character I created for a specific mod that hasn't come out yet.
    3. FlashyJoer
      • premium
      • 832 kudos
      Its coming! Its in final round of beta testing right now while I wait on the last bit of voice lines to come in. In a perfect world, if all goes well, this could potentially see light of day, knock on wood but no promises made, but it could see your game in the coming 3 weeks or so. IF the stars align perfectly.
    4. SirMcRae
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Warming up my hands for the standing ovation. Good luck with the mod joerqc!
  4. Radsweeper
    • member
    • 59 kudos
    If this is half as good as what you have given us in the past we will be spoiled I am sure!

    Thank you, for all the endless blood, sweat and tears that goes in everyone of your mods.
    1. FlashyJoer
      • premium
      • 832 kudos
      Awww shucks. Thanks! I hope it lives up to your expectations!
  5. GuardianMF
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    Looking forward to the release. While I'm waiting for your mod to come out, I read about The Fens Sheriff's Department, a sequel to The Bleachers in the works, and I'm thinking that there is some overlapping between Gun For Hire and The Fens Sheriff's Department. The later "fills out the remaining space in the stadium administrative offices and right field. The Sheriff's Department is charged with security -outside- the Diamond City wall and establishing a safe buffer zone around Diamond City." 

    That being said, both mods aren't out yet, so I guess we'll see.
    1. FlashyJoer
      • premium
      • 832 kudos
      Dunno... all I know is this mod is due out in less than 4 weeks or so and you'll be able to tell then maybe? But if the changes in that mod are additive only, no subtractions, there shouldnt likely be too much overlap. This mod ONLY adds to the DiamondCityExt cell - no subtractions, no broken precombines and adds a few new navmesh points.

      As you said, we'll just have to wait for it to drop to know for sure what the overlap is...
  6. Darqcrimson
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    This will be epic when completed, thanks for the update.
    1. FlashyJoer
      • premium
      • 832 kudos
      I know! I wish I was a player and not a mod author so I could be as pumped to play it as everyone else! LOL!
  7. shayneshao
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Can't believe it is really happening. We have come a long way. Take all the time you need man, and thanks for the update.
    1. FlashyJoer
      • premium
      • 832 kudos
      Oh, lol, its happening all right!

      I dunno how much longer it will be, but it is coming, of that we can all be assured.
  8. Kainschilde209
    • premium
    • 87 kudos
    Will this mod integrate with Crime and Punishment at all? Your agency being contracted by the bounty hunters or anything like that?
    1. FlashyJoer
      • premium
      • 832 kudos
      The current of version of CaP (v1.1.1) is updated so that it can communicate bi-directionally with Gun For Hire, but in and of itself CaP is unaffected by GFH, if you know what I mean - its all backend stuff that is more aligned to GFH being able to call on functions within CaP, like for example, being able to block certain GFH added NPCs from using the surrender system, as that would potentially break a lot of the jobs, if you cant kill the target. The only real thing CaP does action on, of its own accord, with GFH present is that it will properly dismiss any of GFH's squadmembers if you enter into a player surrender and kidnap situation. Also, doing bounties within CaP, the raider capture/kill ones, they will increase the reputation of your GFH business once you have it up and running. So there is that. But it doesn't interface in any other way, where the bounty quests in CaP are concerned. In fact, I remade those kill/capture quests in GFH, more or less identically, but they dont use established bosses this time - they use placed NPCs that the mod generates at quest start up, so it allows for INFINITE availability of those jobs, whereas CaP runs out of those bounties once all raider bosses have been dealt with.

      Thats about it. It can function alongside CaP, but they dont really affect one another too much either way, more they augment one another in subtle ways. Doing anything other than that would've meant mastering to CaP and I dont want to force requirements on people with this mod (like the DLCs or F4SE, both of which are not required at all here). This is gonna be bigger than CaP and I didnt want to limit it.

      Best way to think about it is this: It functions like the role playing aspects of prostitution contained within CaP - separate entity, really, when you think about it, but functionally communicates with CaP's systems as a whole, when and where applicable.