Fallout 4
Beach Shirt Harness WIP 2

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My beach shirt harness project is coming along nicely.  I could easily have it up by the end of the week... except for one problem.  I don't have permission to use the harness from  jmanumber1 's Tactical Combat Swimwear.  I messaged him but he hasn't gotten back to me yet (if anybody has some other way to contact him, feel free to hook a brother up!) .  I'll give it another week or so, but I'm not going to release a mod using someone else's assets without their permission.  Without said permission I'll look into other leg-harness options (feel free to message me with ideas) or just release with only Shino's harness.  
Either way, enjoy this little WIP snippet.  It's been more work than expected, but the mod itself is coming along surprisingly well.