Fallout 4
Rodje's Screenshot Collection

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This user's image description contains 4 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. radbeetle
    • premium
    • 492 kudos
    Oh wow, gorgeous shots! If you don't mind me being a little nosy, what are you using for your interiors? I find mine tend to look a little faded out, so I'm searching for some new lighting stuff to try.
    1. Rodje131
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Thanks! I use ELFX, combined with Decent ENB makes the game in general a little bit less faded out. I guess my mess of texture mods of FlaconoilLuxor, SavrenX and Spiffy helps give that little extra oomph over vanilla as well, but I would not know where to begin listing that, let alone in the right order :p
    2. radbeetle
      • premium
      • 492 kudos
      Will have to give it a try, thanks! Hope you'll share more shots in the future :)